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Scarlett's POV

With shaky legs i got up and locked the door. The pain inside me was starting to suffocate me. I leaned against door sobbing and slid down.

I cried my heart out until i could take no more and passed out.

"Welcome home my beloved daughter."he whispered against my ear from behind. I jumped in fright.

He smirked and roughly pushed me ahead. I stumbled and hit my head on hard floor. Blood came oozing out and i hissed in pain. My vision became blurry in tears and my body ached.

"Get up you bitch and get to work. I ain't tolerating your lazy ass around here." He growled and walked in his room.

I got up crying and hurried to my room. After freshing up and bandaging my head i immediately got back to work.

After hours of cleaning i sat down on stool to take a small break. Just then u heard footsteps descending down the stairs. After moments my evil of father appeared in front of me.

"Didn't i make myself clear that i won't tolerate your lethargic self in my home??!?!" He pulled my hair back and spoke.

I nodded frantically.

"Use your voice bitch." He backhanded me. I stumbled from stool on floor.

"Y-yes." I held my stinging cheek and stammered weakly.

"Good. Now go make some food. I am starving." He said in irritated tone.

I immediately got up and scurried away in kitchen.

He ate his meal and left the kitchen. I sighed and began cleaning the utensils. This place has gotten even more gloomy than last time. Our once bright home has lost it's title as 'home'  the day my mom went to heavens.

After cleaning i retired to my room. As i sat on my bed my head began throbbing furiously. I held my head in hands and closed my eyes.

After few moments my hand was painfully yanked into a bruising grip.
My head shot up to my dad whose eyes  promised me my murder in few moments if anything goes wrong.

He pulled me by my hair and threw me towards my dressing table.

The table's edge pierced through my arm drawing out streams and i screamed in pain.

"Hey wake up. Scarlett!!! Wake up you are having a nightmare." I familiar voice interrupted me.I screamed and woke up to find myself lying on cold floor against my main door with alex looming over me with worried face.

My back was aching due to hard floor. My forehead was covered in layer of sweat. I felt feverish and extremely weak.

I got up and he helped to sit down on couch. I had a painful headache.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked groggily.

"I don't know. We were supposed to meet 3 hours ago. I called and texted you but you never responded. I got worried because i thought you had another panic attack so i came here. The door was locked so i used spare key. I found you passed out here on floor. You were screaming."

I sighed and buried my face in my hands. Micheal's face flashed in front of me. The guilty look, those sad eyes begging for my forgiveness increased the pain and hollow in my chest and my migraine.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now