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Scarlett's POV

"Nooooooooooo. s-stopp" i shrieked as someone kicked me on my chest. Agonizing pain spreaded throughout my body like a wildfire. The blows never stopped. They became more painful. My breathing was reduced. My throat was closing up and chest was on fire.

"Stop shouting like a little bitch."a voice called as i continued to shield myself from my attacker continued to beat me like a rag doll.

"That's enough."a familiar gruff voice called out of nowhere. Immediately the beatings ceased.

"Da-dad?" I whispered looking around. My throat hurt.

Suddenly Michael appeared tied to the chair and my pathetic excuse of a dad behind him. Michael was tied to a chair. His handsome face was beaten and bruised up badly. His lower lip was busted and nose was broken. Blood trickled down his nostrils and from a nasty cut on eyebrow. His eyes were shut and head hung low.

My evil father was standing behind him sporting a malicious grin on his disgusting face.

"Michael??? Sweetheart open your eyes. Please." I sobbed. The fear of losing him sent chilled fear down my spine. My eyes stung from unshed tears.

"Aww little Princess is crying for her Prince."my father cooed making me cringe.

"What have you done to him?!" I screamed.

"Nothing much. Just little beatings here and there. But I've plans for your Prince charming. I must say Scarlett you found a quiet handsome man for yourself." He sneered.

"Let us go you little piece of shit." I spat and tried to stand up. He chuckled lowly.

"If you think that I'm gonna let you go like that then your are the most delusional person ever little girl."

"What did i ever so to you to deserve this?!?!?" I sobbed loudly. Michael was still lying unconscious on chair. Suddenly James's expression darkened with anger. The veins on his forehead popped out. The brown eyes identical to mine became almost pitch black. Anger and hatred radiated off them.

"You took away everything i had. My love. My wife. My light. You put me in endless misery and yet you are enjoying your pathetic little life with a man you love. You shameless bitch. I will not let you live your life like that. You deserve every ounce of pain inflicted on you. Your snatched away my happiness, I'll snatch away yours." He yelled. I flinched from his outburst and cowered back a little.

Now i was really scared. I had never seen this side of my father before. Sure he beat me. Sure he humiliated me. But it was limited to that. I was truly scared now. Fear seeped in my skin like hot needles. I feared for Michael.

"Please let him go. Do whatever your want with me." I desperately pleaded. My voice on verge of panic.

He ignored me and grabbed fistful of Michael's hair and yanked his head back eliciting a slight pained groan from him. My heart painfully squeezed in my chest for him. Setting him in pain stabbed me.

"This is all your fault." My father sneered and pulled out a small knife from his pocket. Seeing that knife tears poured furiously. I got up and lunged at him. He stumbled back. I punched his face with little force i had but he was quick. He trapped my hands and pushed me away.

"Restrain her." He boomed. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and held my hands back. I went in hysteria and thrashed in stranger's arms violently.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now