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Scarlett's POV

As soon as i exited airport i got a weird vibe. And that was not a good sign. These types of gives always ruined me and they always proved to be worse.

What is going to happen now?!?!!

I shrugged and searched for Alex. He gave me a big wave as soon as he saw me. We loaded my baggage in car and drove to my apartment. After we reached our destination we carried everything up.

We plopped down on sofa tired."So you free tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna visit studio tomorrow. We will practice a bit then upload our next act."i said thoughtfully.

"Done then. See you tomorrow."he smiled and got up to leave.

"Don't you want coffee or anything?! I'm gonna make some for my myself."

"Nope. I'm cool. See ya."he said and left.

It was late night. I decided to leave coffee because i wanted my beauty sleep. I changed clothes and snuggled into my bed. I was knocked out in seconds.

I groaned when the loud knocks on for woke me up. I ignored and tried to sleep away. They got louder. I groaned again and woke up and trotted towards door.

"Morning."Clary happily chirped in my face.

I frowned and rubbed my eyes.
"Morning."i muttered in half sleepy state.

She giggled and invited herself in and sat on sofa like she owned it.

I sighed and closed door shut and looked at her with hands on my hips.

"Why are you here so early?"i grumbled.

"Early???? For your kind information it's 12:45 in afternoon."she grinned with amusement.

My eyes widened and i almost fell down in shock. I was supposed to call Michael. He is going to murder me.

I dashed to room.

13 missed calls and endless texts!!! I'm dead.

I quickly dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

"Scarlett what the hell?!"his angry voice boomed through the phone.

"G-good morning sweetie. I'm sorry i overslept."i laughed nervously.

"Are you kidding me right now?!?!?? I was worried sick about you. You won't answer my calls or texts. I almost decided to follow you there to Australia." He scolded me like concerned mother.

I could imagine him going all red with anger and panting like a enraged Bull. The thought made me chuckle.

"Why the fuck are you chuckling?! I'm going mad with worry and you are making fun of me?!?!" He yelled.

"Hey hey hey calm down. I'm not making fun of you. Is just hilarious imagining you all riled up."

He sighed heavily." You are impossible."

I giggled again." I know. But you signed up for this so now bear it."i playfully scolded him.

"That's not a problem."he laughed.

"We are getting late you know." Clary poked her head in my room.

"Listen um I'll call you later. I'm getting late for studio."i told Michael.

"Okay Princess. Talk to you later."he said and hung up.

We hung up and i hurried to bathroom. After getting ready i made us cup of coffee.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now