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Scarlett's POV

I was baffled.

The guy who bullied me since my second grade till highschool was watching me with wide eyes. His face held a look of disbelief. So did mine.

He was looking more muscular and manly. That crazy school look was replaced with mature one.

Dylan looked extremely handsone. But not as handsome as micheal.

Wait what?!?!?

We stood there few moments gazing at each other in middle of busy shopping street.

People gave irritated looks as they passed by. Awkward silence was thick in air which he decided to break.

"Wow scarlett. You look.........err different."

I nodded nervously.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Visiting my brother. It's his birthday." He smiled. I nodded.

Again the uncomfortable silence poured upon us. I was at loss of  words. Seeing his face brought memories. Not the good ones.

"How about we meet for lunch or something. I would like to sit and talk properly." He said awkwardly after few moments.

I hesitated at first. "Uhh ohh-okay." I smiled nervously.

He gave me a faint smile and his number. After saying goodbye he hurried down the street.

It was almost evening so i decided to head back home.

I was exhausted from all the walking so i snuggled into my bed before dinner. Just as i was about to go to la-la land my phone pinged.

Dylan: Tomorrow at cafe cremè? Say 10?

I contemplated whether to answer or not. After an internal debate i replied.

Me: Sure :)

Dylan: Done then. See you.

Me: See you.

Aunt stella peeked in my room and smiled when she saw me.

"Dinner is ready. Come down fast."

"Sure. Will be down in a minute." I smiled.

She gave me a small nod and left.

I hopped down for dinner. We talked after so many days without a care in world.

After a happy dinner i took my medicines and went to room.

My thoughts drifted to micheal. I am confused as why he suddenly went all caveman on me. He was the same person who hated to breath even same air as me. Now he is acting as if i am a fucking olympic medal.

After a heavy dinner i wasted no tine in wandering to my dream land.

The street was too busy on mornings. People were rushing to work.

After few 'sorrys' 'oops' and excuse mes' i made it to the cafe.

Dylan was already seated in a window booth scrolling through his phone.

"Hey" i said and sat down opposite to him. That gained his attention.

"Hi" he smiled.

"I hope i didn't keep you waiting" i smiled.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now