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Scarlett's Pov

I was patiently waiting for Michael in the penthouse. But at the time anxious about his reaction.

"I swear I'd have sued your ass for driving recklessly if you weren't my girlfriend."he said walking in with an annoyed expression on his cute face.

"Well then I'm lucky that I've you under my command eyy."i grinned and slowly slumped back on sofa.

"Under your command?!" He said questionably.

"Mmmmm" i said and closed my eyes.

After few moments i felt something warm and wet on my neck. I moaned at the delicious feeling it left. Michael slowly licked my neck as he massaged my breasts. The warmth from his body seeped in every pore of my skin making me sigh in content. I pulled him closer and buried my nose into his hair. He continued kissing me as i was lost into him.

We both fell asleep between our make out session. When i woke up in morning i found that we were still on sofa with me clinging onto him like a koala. He slept like a baby snoring slightly and crushing me onto him. I slowly got up trying not to put pressure on my injuries.

Our morning went happily with me making breakfast despite him scolding me. We goofed around. There was lot of kissing and touching involved. After a lot of persuasion and blackmailing from me Micheal left for office. Pouting.

Today i was finally gonna get out to feel fresh. After Michael left i put on a simple sundress and cute sandals and a small clutch for my phone. With a satisfied grin i left the bedroom. Now going down without getting noticed by my possessive devil was the real challenge.

I can't believe my dumbass boyfriend insisted to work here despite his office being literally on other side of the floor.

Clingy much

I tiptoed out and looked for any potential danger. After i found that the floor was empty and his office door was closed i instantly took elevator and went down. I speed walked out of the building. After i was at safe distance i heaved a sigh of relief and inhaled the fresh air. I walked into the nearby park and sat on the bench. Park was fairly crowded. Kids running around, parents watching them. Pets playing happily while their owners tried to capture the moments. Few couples sat into the secluded corners of the park. I saw few moms with their babies strolling casually in park while some where sitting in Grass enjoying the sunlight. The usual scene.

It felt so good after everything that happened. Being normal. No evil father. No more running. I'm finally free. I've everything i can possibly want. I hummed to myself happily as i looked around.

A lady came and sat beside me. She had a cute babygirl in her arms. The baby gave me a heart melting smile as her big adorable eyes saw me. I smiled back. I love babies. They're innocent, adorable and little balls of sunshine.

The woman saw her baby smile at me."she has habbit of smiling at strangers."she's spoke smiling and kissed little angel's head.

"That's amazing. She is so damn cute." I said caressing the baby's rosy cheek. She giggled loudly in response and gave me another big toothless grin.

"Can i hold her?" I asked the lady.

"Sure here."she said and handed the babygirl carefully to me.

"What's her name?" I asked kissing her forehead.

"Rosaline."she said.


"Suits her." I said touching her pink cheeks. Roseline played happily in my arms while me and her mom whose name i learned was Marianne chatted. She was a nice lady with humble attitude. Her husband was a soldier so he was often away. She lives here with her mother-in-law.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now