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Scarlett's POV

I turned around.

What i saw was one of finest works of god.He had blueish-green hypnotizing eyes. Defined cheek bones and very sharp jaw-line with jet black hair styled to perfection and light caramel skin. He must be over 6 feet. His huge biceps were bulging out from his gray tee-shirt. He wore blue jeans with sport shoes. He can easily make any woman wet. In all i could say that a Greek God was standing in front of me and glaring holes into my face.

I was shamelessly checking him out not even blinking an eye. I was so small , my 5'2 height compared to his.

"Stop staring at my boyfriend!!" Someone yelled behind him. I recognized that the voice belonged to Rebeccah.

Cliche much.

So he is infamous Micheal Wilson. I came out of my trance and once again gazed at him. His expression was very very angry. My legs were trembling.

There was pindrop silence in corridor.Everyone was staring us wide-eyed.

"Why did you push my girlfriend?" He asked in horribly calm tone. This made my head to snap up. I was confused, angry. Rebeccah smirked.

"I didn't push her." I said finding out words.

"Baby, she is lying. She did push me." Rebeccah whined annoyingly.

"No i did not. It was an accident. I didn't do it intentionally and i apologized for that. Don't you dare blame me." I stood my ground and glared at her.

"Enough. Do not speak with my girlfriend like that. Look at you, you look like a buldozer. And clearly you are stupid enough to mess with me or you are new. Stay away from my girlfriend you fatcat." He warned.

Rebeccah was holding a victorious smile on her face. I said nothing and just nodded. My eyes filled with tears and i was standing there ashamed. They walked away holding each others hand. Others resumed their previous activities not before whispering among themselves.

Good job scarlett. My conscience laughed at me.

That bitch!!

"Scarlett!!" Emily walked towards me. "I thought you got lost. Thank god." She noticed my tears and raised a brow.

"hey are you alright? What happened?"

"Let's go. I will tell you everything in canteen." I started walking towards canteen. She followed me.

We got our food and sat on a table. Emily was patiently waiting me to tell her what happened to me. I told her everything that happened.

"Oh scar it's alright. Micheal is always like that and Rebeccah is fake barbie doll. She is always a whiny bitch." She comforted me.

Him calling me buldozer and fatcat hurt me to core. It seemed like most hurtful thing in my life and even don't know why i was so hurt. It brought back my dark past. I let out a sigh then smiled forcefully.

"I'm alright. It's not like someone bullied me for first time. Being fat i was bullied since kindergarden." I told her. Her eyes showed sympathy.

"Hey Em! "A guy about our age approached us. He looked some what like Emily.

"Emil, hey. Meet Scarlett Jones. She is a newbie and a total sweetheart." Emily praised me cheerfully and i smiled at guy. Emil? Emily? Are they twins or something?

"Hi I'm Emil Miller. Emily's older brother." Emil introduced himself with a big smile and offered me his hand. As i thought. I immidiately did a handshake with him.

"I need your car. My car's tyre is punctured." He pleaded Emily.

"No way. Last time you took my car you broke it. I'm not giving my baby to you again" She replied annoyed.

"Please, last time. I promise i will not let her get a single scratch." He promised and gave her puppy eyes.

"Fine. If anything happens to my car you are a deadman." She scoffed. He grinned from ear to ear.

"My keys are in locker. Come on. Scar I will be right back." She dragged Emil along with her.

"See you around scarlett." Emil smiled and waved at me. I copied his actions.

I looked around the canteen and saw Micheal and Rebeccah on table at left end of canteen. He caught me staring. Shit. As soon as our eyes connected something in my stomach flipped. I had a strange feeling. I quickly averted my gaze and ate my food in silence.

They got up and left the .Emily returned back in sometime. We finished our food and decided to go back to class. We had this period together. While walking my phone buzzed. I quickly recieved the call.

"Hey sweetpea, are you alright? I tried to call you this morning but you didn't pick my call." She sounded worried.

"Y-yea aunt stella i'm alright. I just got lost while finding the class. I totally forgot about my phone. Sorry" I lied.

"It's ok scarlett, i called you to inform you that i will be coming to recieve you after classes. Just wait for me near gate."

"Okay i will. I gotta go professor will be walking inside class in any minute."

"Okay bye, take care."

"Bye aunt stella." And i hung up.

We walked in our class and found out that micheal and his girlfriend along with their group were chatting inside the classroom. As soon as we entered class rebeccah made some comment while looking at me and they all started laughing. I rolled my eyes and sat in front with Emily.

Geography was always boring. I yawned countless times inbetween lecture. Emily was almost sleeping. Finally the bell ranged.

"Why studies are always so boring?!" She complained like a little child. I chuckled at her reaction. We attended next lecture with drowsy state. At last the college was over. We hurried out of school excitedly.

"Shit. Emil has my car. How am i going to go home?" Emily murmurred.

"Don't worry. My aunt is coming to pick me. We will drop you home if you want." I offered.

"Thanks. You are a saviour." She said. I smiled and quickly called aunt stella.

"She will be here in 10 minutes."


Aunt stella was on time. She agreed to drop Emily home.

"Thanks scar and aunt stella. Scarlett if you want i will pick you up from your house tomorrw."

"That will be good sweetie." Aunt stella spoke sweetly. I smiled.

"Okay then. See you tomorrow scar. Good night and take care. Oh and give me your number so you can text me your address."

"Yeah. Here." I gave her my number.

"Take care" i said and we drove home.

We had dinner and a light talk. As we both were exhausted we went to bed early.

Blueish green tantalising eyes were last thing i saw before drifting off to sleep.

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