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Michael's POV

There was video playing. I asked Chris to play it from the beginning. The woman in the video had marvellous figure. She was dancing on the song swaying her hips and breasts like professional dancers which had my pants tighening. She was curvy at every right place. The video ended after revealing the face i'd never forget.

Scarlett fucking Jones.

My blood ran cold. I double checked on her face for confirmation. It was indeed her. Her brown eyes, brown hair, perfect figure. She was the most stunning and perfect woman i saw in my existence. Something unknown stirred inside me by looking at her.

I was baffled to no extent. I wanted her. The moment i saw her in video i craved for her. Our evergreen kiss came back flooding in my mind. If  her single kiss is this much enchanting i wonder what she'd be like to devour whole.

"How did you find this video?" I questioned chris with a raised brow.

"Actually she is going to design my brother's house. I met her when she came to visit him at home. Scarlett is also a dancer. She has her own youtube channel 'Dance Tales' where she posts her own work, just like this one. I follow her there. Real beauty she is." He murmurred.

My nostrils flared up at last part but i kept it inside me. I shouldn't feel this way. I mean i was the one to reject her so now i cannot go behind her like lovesick teenager. But the image of any other man touching her beautiful body dosen't go well with me either, i would rip that asshole apart.

"Do you have her number?" My question drew everyone's attention. Rebeccah cursed.

"No." He replied making me groan.

"Wait. I guess i have her business card. She gave it to my brother. I will send it's snap to you if you want when i get home." He said with sparkling eyes.

"It will be first thing you do when you get home." I said with commanding voice.

Rebeccah shot up from her seat." Excuse me everyone. I need to talk with micheal here." She pointed to me with a glare. "Alone."

I knew jealousy got her best and it was hell of a show everytime. I stood up from my seat and took rebeccah in one of spare rooms and locked the door.

"What is it?" I snapped.

"There is no way you are contacting that bitch." She threw most sharp glare.

"Whom i want to contact in my life is my personal matter i think. Don't drag your nosy jealous ass in it." I shot back.

"Seriously mike?! After all the times we spent together you are saying this. Unbelievable."

"Oh my darling rebeccah, we were never a thing. It was just sex and you know it. Don't get all riled up because there is no 'we'." I threw my signature smirk.

"You haven't even met her yet and you are already acting like a lovesick puppy."

"Trust me i haven't even begun. All i know is i'm not letting her get away with that perfect body."

She sighed in frustation and came closer and tried to kiss me. This trick always worked on me but this time it failed miserably much to her dismay and embarassment.

She pulled away and walked out murmurring colourful curses at me. I joined the table soon after. We had dinner which included delicious italian and chinese cuisine. The menu consisted all my favourites.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now