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Scarlett's POV

I was glued to my spot. The look on his handsome face made me want to hide in deepest and darkest corner of the world where he won't be able to find me for rest of my miserable life.

His malicious expression evoked true fear within me. I tried to maintain straight facade but inside i was trembling like scared rabbit.

"Whatever." I grumbled. I knew that i was treading on thin ice but i was too proud to submit myself.

The evil grin on his face only widened upon hearing my words.

He didn't say anything and lifted me bridal style.

I thrashed and tried to wriggle away.
"LET ME GO YOU IMBECILE. HELP!!!!!!!!!" I shouted on top of my lungs so loud that my throat began burning.

He was not affected one bit by my tantrum and proceeded to walk as if i weighed nothing and my shouts didn't matter.

He stuffed me in car like a soft toy and jogged to driver's seat. I trued to get out but the stupid door won't open.

"Child lock" he smirked.


"Shout and scream all you want no one is going to help you ger away from me." He said and started driving.

"I HATE YOU." I turned to face him and screamed.

His grip on steering tightened so much that his knuckles turned white. His jaw clenched hard but he kept driving. Speeding past vehicled recklessly. I immediately put on my seatbelt and held on to handle on door as if my life depended on it. Probably it did. Fear overtook my body by our speed.

"What are you doing?!?! If you want to comitt suicide let me go and you can happily go and die. I don't have a death wish. Fucking hell slow down michael." I shouted. Tears streamed down my face.

As soon as he heard those words the car came to screeching halt. I was jerked up ahead and slammed back into seat. My head hurt from impact. I groaned.

I glared at him. His face was expressionless. He kept looking ahead. I was angry beyond limit. I wanted to strangle him with my bare hands.

I waited for him to say something for few moments. After he said nothing i broke tense silence.

"Unlock the door i want to go. This instant."i gritted my teeth.

He stayed still.

"I said open the fucking door michael. I want to go home and i am suffocating because of you in this godforsaken car." I spat.

He unlocked the door and i instantly hopped out and slammed the door angrily and started walking.

His car sped away loudly. I sighed and hired a cab.

I was glad aunt was at work. Tired and angry i went up to my room and changed in cotton shorts and tshirt. I booked my flight back to Australia and listened to songs.

It was past lunchtime and i was on only the latte from morning. But i didn't have any apetite to eat so i continued to listen songs and informed jason, ana and alex about my flight tomorrow.

Nothing made sense right now. My life takes weird turns always. My emotions are everywhere. Michael is weird piece of shit. And more shitty thing is he the only one person who is capable of giving me electric currents just by mere touch.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now