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Scarlett's POV

I was going where my feet were taking me. To say i was heartbroken was an understatement. Never once in my life i felt this intensely humiliated. Billions of things were running in my mind. Waves of emotions were crashing inside me. My mind was like a computer overloaded with data at once. It was ready to shut off.

I looked around me. This place was unfamiliar. It was dark and gloomy here. How did i get here in first place?! Everything around me started spinning. My vision was getting blurred slowly. I fell on floor and darkness consumed me.


I was standing in middle of darkness. Suddenly micheal came in front of me and called my name. I was about to step towards him but he vanished.

Then i heard my father calling for me. That sinister tone gave me chills. I tried to run but there was only darkness. I was scared and paranoid.


Suddenly i heard distant beeping sound. It was like a sign which compelled me to follow it. I went in direction of beeping. It became louder and louder.

I opened my eyes and white celing came in my view. A beeping sound was coming from my left. I looked around me and realised i was in hospital. Various tubes and machines were attached to me.

My head was throbbing. My body felt 10 times heavier and numb.

Aunt stella walked inside and when she saw me awake she immidiately called for doctor.

Within minutes a doctor and two nurses were surrounding me. They checked my heartbeat, pulse, fever, IV levels. Doctor told nurses to get some medicines while he enquired me.

"So tell me what exactly happened?" He asked.

I told him that i was feeling very light-headed so i didn't know where i was walking and eventually fainted.

He listened to me intently and then nodded and left.

The moment he left aunt stella walked in. She was clearly worried sick.

"How are you feeling now?"she asked.

"I'm fine. Just a little head ache." I said weakly.

"You need to rest. Just go to sleep. We will talk later." She told me. One of the nurse which came previously came with doctor entered the room. She was holding two syringes in her hand. 

Oh no!

I always had phobia of injections. They scared the shit out of me. But i was helpless as i was unable to move.

She loaded the syringe with medicines and rubbed spirit on my hand. My face paled. She slowly inserted needle in my skin. There was no pain but the sight of needle poking my skin was enough for me to scream. So i did it. I screamed like a child. Loud enough that even aliens on mars can hear it.

Doctors came rushing in. Nurse was horrified. Aunt stella was sighing while i was panicking.

"What happened?" One of the doctors asked nurse.

"Nothing. She is too afraid of syringes i guess." She said with little annoyance. That is completely understandable. I was a complete idiot.

Doctors heaved a sigh of reilef. They nodded and left the room. So did the nurse. Aunt stella was sitting beside me when a wardboy came to call her. She left room and i began thinking about the mess i have gotten myself into.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now