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Scarlett's POV

I woke up before alarm today.

"Ha! Take that bitch" i smirked lazily my finger pointing towards my alarm. If anyone sees me like this they would surely admit me in mental hospital.

After completing my daily morning routine i was ready to head to my tiny office. Suddenly my phone went alive.
I looked to see who was calling.

Nathan jordan's name flashed on my screen.

"Hello Mr.jordan." i said politely after recieving call.

"Hello miss jones. I called you reagrding my new house." He said.

"Oh. What about it?" I asked.

"I wanted plan ready urgently say like in next few days." He told me.

"I see. I will see what can i do. I cannot promise you anything at the moment. I have other things to take care of too." I told him.

"I understand miss but this is really important. Consider this as an emergency and give our contract a few days. I will pay you double if you want." He pleaded.

"It's not about money Mr.jordan. I have other client's contracts too. I will see what can i do best. My secretary anna will call you in few hours regarding this call. I still cannot promise anything at this moment." I replied in business tone.

"Okay then. I hope you decide to pay visit. Do let me know. See you." He said.

"Okay. See you." I said and ended call.

I reached my office and settled in. I called anna inside my cabin to discuss about call with mr.jordan and my schedules for next few days. It's not like i had tons of appointments but sometimes meetings cannot be postponed.

Anna smiled as she sat on one of the chairs.

"Are there any important meetings scheduled for me in next few days?" I ask her.

"Just a sec" she replies and goes out of cabin. She returns with a small diary in her hand plops back on chair.

Anna begans flipping pages. "Nope. Nothing crucial. You have a visit to mrs.hess's house next week though." She says.

"You can go there instead of me and send me report via email. Other than that my schedule is clear right?" I ask her.

"Yes it is." He says with a small smile.

"Okay then. Actually mr.jordan called me in morning. He requested to complete plan of his new house as early as possible. So now that my schedule is clear i am thinking about going back to chicago for few days. In that way i can visit aunt stella and lynn too. God i haven't seen them in forever." I informed anna.

"And of course visit king of your dreams too." Anna said with an evil grin.

My nose scrunched up in confusion."What are you talking about?!"

"You know, that micheal guy" her grin widened.

I gasped ang threw a pencil at her.
"Ow! I'm sorry." She rubbed the spot where pencil hit her. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"But seriously i know you have wet dreams about him." She said smirking. And before i could say anything she was out of my cabin.

I called her again to tell to contact mr.jordan to informn about my arrival in Chicago in 2 days.

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