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Warning: mature content ahead.

Scarlett's POV

We were currently in Michael's plane. He was busy in some work while i was resting on comfiest bed ever.

The interior of jet screamed money. I felt as if I'm resting in some luxury hotel suite.

I snuggled more into bed covering myself with sheets. But sleep was not coming. I huffed and sat up. My stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten anything since my discharge so i decided to go out and eat something.

I went out to see Michael still working with a small frown on his face and sexy reading glasses. He looked like a hot nerd. I bit my lips while ogling at my Greek god.

"Stop raping me with your eyes." He grinned snapping me out of my steaming thoughts.

I look down in embarrassment and played with hem of my tshirt. I heard him chuckle softly and my blush deepened.

"Come here." He ordered and i slowly mafe my way to him.

He instantly pulled me into his lap nuzzling his face in crook of my neck.

"You look tired. Get some sleep."i whispered running my hands through his hair and he moaned in response.

"Work pressure."he sighed. His hot breath tickling and turning me on slightly.

He kisseed my neck slowly and sensually starting from crook to my shoulder. A strangled moan escaped my mouth and he deepened his kisses. Hunger now long forgotten. Replaced by scorching lust.

I could feel the growing bulge in his pants poking directly into my crotch.

I closed my eyes and pressed myself further into him earning a loud groan.
"So eager to become a member of mile high club, aren't we?" He questioned in deep sexy husky voice.

"Mmmmmm" i moan back and started grinding on his hardened member.

"Stop it Scarlett or else i won't be responsible for what happens next." He growled under his breath.

"I don't care."i mutter grinding faster. He pulls away from my neck and faced me. His eyes darker shade and breathing fast along with messy hair fuelling my craving for him. He slammed his lips on mine capturing in bruising kiss.

My hands found the buttons of his shirt and i yanked them open running my hands all around his bare flesh.

"That's it."he growled and got up with me on his hips and in a flash and stormed into the room kicking the door shut behind him.

He threw me on bed and i gasped on impact. He crept slowly on bed and straddled me pinning my arms up.

"Next time you'll know better than to tease me." He snarled and ripped open my tshirt and tossed it down carelessly.

I gasped at him and tried to break free. 

"Uh uh my little princess. Not so brave now." He smirked devilishly and squeezed my breasts in painful yet pleasurable grip.

I groan loudly and thrashed more. He tightened his grip and pulled off my bra and started playing with my hardened nipples. He took one in his mouth and pinching another one in his fingers.

The currents of intense pleasure travelled throughout my body making me jolt up.

The sound of my loud moans filled the bedroom making the sexual tension more intense.

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