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Scarlett's POV

I woke up to sound of car-engine. I slowly squinted my eyes open and blinked them several times to adjust to the vision.

My head was lying on Michael's chest. His one hand was draped around my waist protectively and another hand was entwined with my left hand on his lap.

I smiled at our position. I enjoy being in his embrace almost too much.

He was drawing imaginary patterns on my hand with his thumb while his gaze was fixated outside the window on running scenes. He was deep in thought. His eyes held a distant look. The small gesture sent tingles through my hand.

My devil for once looked so.... Peaceful. Calm. His face held no glare or smirk like usual. But a serene look.

I slowly lifted my head and buried it in his neck. "Penny for you thoughts." I whispered sleepily.

He sighed and kissed my knuckles. His tightened his grip on me while i enjoyed his warmth.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Home."he said slowly and looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and stared back at him.

Then i realized the sound of car engine had ceased and we have came to halt. He passed me a lazy smile before opening his door and jogging towards mine.

Like a gentleman he opened the door and offered me his hand to take. I laughed sleepily at his expense and took his hand grinning lazily. He passed me a small grin and pulled me out and snaked his arms around my waist.

We stood outside his office building and i gave him a puzzled look.

"Come."he said and dragged me inside the building.

It was eerily silent as it was nighttime. The guard greeted us. Michael have a nod of acknowledgment and walked me towards his private elevator.

"Why are we in your office? Where are we going?" I asked. Completely clueless.

"We are staying in my penthouse tonight. I was initially gonna give you the contract of decorating it. But things went wrong way."he simply stated. I nodded remembering him telling me to design his house.

None of us spoke anything in elevator. We were probably too tired to speak. Honestly i dream of snuggling into comfy bed and blankets right now.

The ping of elevator snapped us back into reality. We were on the last floor where his office was located.

Instead of talking right he took left and opened one of the doors with the fingerprint scanner.

He walked ahead in room and switched on the lights and i trailed behind him.

As soon as the lights went on my jaw hit the floor.

He had a frickin apartment in his office!!! That too thrice the size of my apartment in Sydney.

The entire place looked like a place from magazine. Shiny floors, plush carpet and sofa set, creamy walls, expensive paintings, delicate artifacts and of course a glass wall providing view of lit City.

Typical billionaire.

"You coming in or planning to gawk some more?" His voice made me come back to reality.

Michael was standing in middle of room with crossed arms. His muscles bulged through his clothes. His one brow was raised and a glint of humor was present in his eyes with his lips twitched up a little.I drooled at the delicious sight.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now