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Thank you manucarvalhoo14 for all the votes till now.🖤🖤🖤🖤

Michael's POV

I was currently in meeting with one of my clients. And honestly i wasn't interested in his babbling.

I just wanted to go back to my office and hold my woman.

"..... will send you the contract by tomorrow. Is that okay with you Mr. Wilson?"

"Huh?" I said snapping back.

"I said my secretary will send you the contract by tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" He repeated again with irritated look.

"Sure." I said and got up fixing my blazer.

We exchanged professional pleasantries and ended the meeting.


I groaned internally and made my way to my office. I slowly opened the door and looked around. Scarlett was passed out on couch.

I smiled and shook my head. She was one cute little flower. My flower.

I sat on my seat and resumed my working.

I was going through some documents when i heard a ping. Must be Scarlett's.

After few seconds i heard another point. Followed by another. And another.

I ignored them. Must be her friends i thought.

After a few seconds her phone blared. She jerked from her nap and picked up her phone from table and have it a sleepy glance.

Upon seeing the screen her face morphed into confusion.

"Who is it scar?" I asked. The phone stopped ringing.

She shrugged her shoulders. The phone started ringing again.

She accepted the call. I watched her intently.

After few moments tears started pouring down her face. In a flash i was at her side. Hugging her.

Who's calling?  I thought to myself.

I let her finish call in patience. With every nanosecond anger spread through my every nerve like molten lava.

I was moment away from snatching hey phone away when she lowered the damn machine down.

As soon as she put the phone down i pulled her into me and held her tightly. My arms snaked around her in protective grip.

She was full on sobbing. Her petite frame shook violently in my arms.

I let her cry. I tried to soothe her by rubbing her back slowly

I whole body was stiff with anger. My jaw was locked. I so wanted to murder the person who made my Scarlett cry.

After few minutes her sobs finally died down. I let her cool down and kissed her head.

She pulled away and looked at me with those big doe eyes which were red and puffy from crying.

I took her face in my hands and kissed her forehead.

"Who was it?" I asked her. My voice was on edge. We both knew i was ticking bomb.

"M-my father." She croaked out.

My hands twitched to hit something upon hearing about that bastard. My hands fisted tightly till my knuckles turned white.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now