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Scarlett's POV

The vibes worked faster than my freaking internet.

'My little scarlett, just a reminder that you have two days to decide. I hope you don't make wrong choices which will result in jeopardizing situations. I am eagerly waiting for your return. We will have good time just like good'ol days. Think about it, just a hint that your incompliance or calling cops will result in something that won't be good to dear stella. And i really think you won't appreciate that. Goodbye for now.'

My anger and frustation levels were hightening with each word i was reading. How many times do i have to face this?

I ran downstairs and showed text to aunt. Her frustation and concern was clear as a day.

"I am calling cops." She snapped but i tugged on her shoulder.

She raised a brow at me.

"Don't. What if he really does something to you. I mean he mentioned it in text and beside that i have already too much on my plate to deal with cops right now." I said with sad and pleading eyes.

Her face immidiately softened at my words and she smiled a bit.

"Okay, if you find it troubling i won't call cops and don't worry about me. Just be cautious from now." She said with commanding tone. I found it somewhat motherly. Infact she was my mother. I nodded my head.

I was really not in mood for school today but my luck being at it's best i had assignment submission today. I groaned and reluctantly dressed up and kept my assignment file in my bag. I glanced at my self in mirror one final time. I noticed i had gained a little weight because of all the stress. I sighed and went to school.

Go straight to staff room, submit my file and head straight home and laze around all day was my plan which was obviously to be ruined by none other than handsome , narcissist jerk micheal wilson.

He stood in front of schoolgate as if waiting for someone. Once his eyes landed on me he flashed an evil smirk. I stood in my track groaned louder this time palming my forehead. But i found his smirk somewhat arousing as various wicked images of him and me together flashed in my mind. But i quickly composed myself and put on void mask. But inside it was party of wild emotions.

He stared at me. His captivating gaze telling me to come closer. My conscience was banging her head on walls in denial but i was involuntarily stepping towards him, getting closer to devil with each step. As much as my inner self insisted turning back i found myself standing infront of him. This was one of many battles i lost between me and my attraction or specifically my love towards him. But i decided to call it attraction as it sounded more stupid and shallow opposite to love which was beautiful and intense. And i damn well knew he was never going to be mine. But i was more than thankful that my expressions gave nothing away.

Micheal's smirk grew wider and triumphant look crossed his face. I stared at him blankly until he spoke.

"Do you still love me?" He blurted out of nowhere and i choked on my own breath, my eyes and jaw dropped on floor.

"Wh-what?" I asked confirming if i heard it right.

"Do. You. Still. Love. Me?" He emphasized each word with extreme casuality as if talking to a child.

"Why do you care?" I snapped. Not going to fall for this shitface. I smirked internally.

"Actually i don't. But lets cut the chase. I wan't to get something done and if you do it i will give you a kiss in return." He said blankly. Again i was caught off guard. I blushed a deep red.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now