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Scarlett's POV

Micheal stood in front of me with triumphant grin on his ridiculously handsome face. I ignored him and walked towards my locker.

Few people were crowding the lockers. I was confused so i pushed past them and saw the reason they all were standing there.

'Fat cow', 'ugly whore' was spray painted on my locker in red and yellow colour.

"What the hell?" I yelled and everyone started laughing.

"Like your gift? FAT COW." A familiar female voice came from behind me. Rebeccah fucking Green.

"One more word and i will smack your fake face." I warned her.

"Awe the hippo is angry. What are you gonna do? Hit me? Bitch, mike will kill you." She smirked.

"You want to see what i can do?"

She laughed. Everyone was now looking at us with interest. Micheal walked in crowd. His face towards me.

I smirked and slapped rebeccah. Again. Only the difference was this time it was public insult, in her own territory. And after slapping her i returned same devilish smile to micheal.

Rebeccah fell on ground dramatically. She was whimpering. And surprisingly micheal didn't do anything. He stood there watching me with amusement.

I didn't say anything further. I walked away to principal's office. I had enough of this non-sense.

Principal said that he will look into the matter and get the paint removed.
I was in real bad mood all the day. And to add to it Emily tried to talk again. I mean can they not bother me for one day?!

After school i took bus again. Aunt stella was working late today.

I opened the door of house and walked in. Something was not right. I got eerie vibes from the house. It was dark so i quickly switched on the lights and cautiously went to living room.

As soon as i went in living roon my eyes landed on the person sitting on sofa.

"Missed me scarlett baby?" He asked in haunting tone.

"Father." I mumbled in shock.

"Of course my darling daughter. It's me" He said.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Today is day full of nasty surprises.

"Language scarlett. I'm here to visit you. You are my daughter after all." He smiled widely. And sinisterly.

"I don't want to hear your bullshit. I had enough for the day. Leave me alone." I turned to go to my room.

"Did i permit you to leave?" He growled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and said " I don't need your permission to do anything in my life." I said in bored tone.

After hearing that he began searching in his bag for something. And he did grin when he found whatever he was looking for.

"You see my beautiful girl, you troubled me a lot. Shouldn't you pay back?" He asked and took out a gun from his bag.

I gasped in fear. This man has gone nuts.

"Why is there gun with you? And why the hell are you pointing it at me?!" I said backing off.

"This gun is for you. You see it's loaded. And now you will do as i say. I am here for my wife's revenge. And of course your biggest mistake was walking out of MY house. I had to do all the work alone because of you, whore!!!!!" He shouted furiously.His eyes blazed with extreme agony and rage.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now