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Scarlett's POV

'Meet me outside your door in exact 20 minutes.' Was text from micheal.

I sighed in frustation. I reluctantly left my heaven and dressed up in some ripped jeans and a cute pastel green t-shirt with kitty. I tried to conceal most of my swollen face with make up and put on fake wide grin.

I strode downstairs and nodded at aunt. She offered me breakfast but i refuse because i had no apetite. Micheal honked and that was my cue to leave.

I jogged to his car and hopped in. His face was void of any emotion. He was wearing black button up with few buttons on top undone and sleeves rolled up showing his very hard biceps, Which might i say looked extremely mouth-watering.They flexed while he drove.

The temperature in car was unbearably hot even with AC running It was inpossible for me to stop my wild , crazy thoughts. I wanted to tear that shirt off him and lick every fibre off his body. I realized i was checking him out shamelessly when he caught me. I went red as tomato with embarassment and turned to face window.

We sat in awfully ackward silence. Every few moments i would look at him. I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably hoping that ride would end soon as it was taking every ounce of my self-restraint to holding back myself from lunging at him and regretting it later.

Much to my fortune we reached hospital in 30 minutes. He parked at parking lot and got out. He opened the door for me with small smile and offered me his hand. I was baffled by his little gestures and raised a brow. A slight wave of joy washed over me and i accepted his hand with a smile of my own.

As sensing my thoughts he answered non-chalantly,"Don't misunderstand my actions, i'm just warming up for whats to come."

Of course

The butterflies once fluttered in my stomach died a horrible death and my conscience slumped her shoulders in defeat. Of course he was acting, why woukd he love me?! How naive of me to go out of track that easily.

I nodded in understanding and follwed behind him. My gaze was low.Our touch distracted me from entire world. My entire nervous system was focused on our entwined hands. Tingeling sensations erupted in my stomach again.

We went to top floor where special patient units were located. His grandpa's room was furthest left.

We stood outside the door and sighed. This was it. We looked at each other and nodded, our hands still entwined. He quickly put up a huge fake grin and i did too. He opened the door and stepped in. I was timidly strolling behind him as if he was my only shield left to survive and hoping that walls would swallow me whole.

He stopped near bed and gently pulled me to front. His hand went on to rest on my lower back. I immidiately stiffened.

Calm down stupid scarlett my conscience scolded me.

"Aah honey mike, i thought i'd die without meeting the woman who managed to steal your stubborn heart." His grandpa said while grinning genuinely at me. Curiosity taking over his tired face.

Suddenly i felt weak and guilty. What was i doing?! Who were we kidding?! That poor old man didn't deserve this. I can't do this. I clutched micheal's arm tighter. He sensed it and gave don't-you-dare-to-back-off look. I gulped and smiled at the old man on hospital bed.

Micheal and his grandpa had many similarities. The tone of their skin, irises were same. He was much more older version of micheal. Wrinkles and freckles were evident on his face. Silver streaks of his hair covered black locks.Yet he looked handsome. I wonder what he'd look like when he was in his twenties.

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