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Scarlett's POV

Jason dragged me outside. Anna was still busy doing her share of work.

"I am going out with jason for lunch. If any client calls tell them to leave an e-mail if anything important." I told.

"Sure scar." She looked at me for second and got back to her work again.

"Come on." Jason continued to drag me to his car. He opened the passenger door. "Hop in."

I gave him a small smile and slid in. My head was starting to hurt from all the drama from yesterday night. Thanks to micheal for slways giving me hell of headache.

I don't understand why he came to me and started blabbering about my love for him. I gave up long time ago. Wasn't it what he wanted? He was acting so fucking weird i wanted to scratch his handsome face and kiss him at same time.

Ahhh shut the heck up you stupid.

"Hey are you alright?" Jason asked not taking off his eyes off road.

"I have a pounding headache." I groaned .

"I don't understand, why would he want you after everything?" Jason furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's micheal wilson for god's sake jason. He has models worshipping his feet. Why would he want me. He probably thinks i told him i loved him to make fun of him." I said confused.

"You really are innocent little thing scarlett. That man wants you to himself." He said shaking his head.

"Right now i'm confused as hell do let's not talk about my ex-crush and have some good food. My stomach is twisting with hunger."


Thank god he didn't push it. My head would have exploded.

We stopped near a small restaurant. It was fairly busy. Delicious aroma of chicken and cheese hit my nose.

We sat on a table by the window. The waitress came to give us our menu.

She was blonde with extra short dress. She had name tag named 'cassie'.

Cassie pushed her boobs up as soon as she saw jason and stood right next to him. She batted her fake eyelashes and said seductively to him,"what can i get you sir?"

I rolled my eyes. Jason seemed irritated.

Way to go Cassie.

"What are you having jiggly puff?" He casted me an adorable smile which was clearly intended for cassie to back off. Fortunately she understood it and shifted backwards ackwardly clearing her throat.

"Um i will have meatball spaghetti with blueberry pastry." I said looking at menu.

"Okay. I will have chicken and cheese sandwich with iced green tea." He said without even sparing poor waitress a glance.

She quickly wrote down order and scurried off in embarassment.

"So what are you doing for weekend?" He asked me once she was out from sight.

"I have to visit studio. I haven't been there last weekend because of workload. Alex called anna for that." I told him.

"Okay." He gave me small smile.

Jason was fidgeting in his seat the entire time while having lunch. He wanted to ask me something but he didn't know how to ask me i guess.

The car ride back to office was in silence. There was ackward tension between us. I hate it when jason acts like this.

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