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Scarlett's POV

Fortunately i didn't experience any nightmares last night so i slept well. I woke up at 7 am and got ready, went downstairs. They were already having breakfast.

"Good morning." Kate beamed and so did aunt stella.

"Morning." I chirped and sat on stool. We ate our breakfast chit-chatting. Me and kate were all set for the day.

We went to parks, museum, well-known eateries and some spots for sight seeing. Chicago was a beautiful city. I was always in it's awe of from my childhood. We ate so many things like waffles, sliders, fries, cottoncandies, icecream, etc. and took millions of pictures.

It was sunset when we were sitting on a bench by lake. Birds were flying towards their homes. Sky was perfect blend of blue orange and yellow. It was a beautiful dusky atmosphere. Not many people were present where we were sitting. Water in lake sparkled orange streaks. It looked like sea of orange crystals.The place emitted peace and calm.

"How have you been all these years?" Kate suddenly asked. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Stella told me about your father and all the bullying." She said.

I smiled weakly. "It was difficult yes. But i've become stronger by each incident. Don't worry my life is much better now. Past is past." I assured her. But inside i was on my breaking point. It was taking everything in me not to break. No scarlett, no more. You are stronger than this. Face your fears. Don't be a coward and a cry baby. I was convincing myself inside.

Kate nodded. Her face was lit up by all orange shades. We sat there silently enjoying peace for some more time. It was getting dark now so we decided to head home.

Aunt stella asked us about our day while eating our dinner. Me and kate didn't eat much as we were already full. I got another text from an unknown number. It was definitely my father. I chose to ignore it as i didn't want to ruin my day. I switched off my phone.

As we were already tired we called it a night and went to bed.

In the morning when i got downstairs kate was carrying her bags outside the door.

"You are leaving already?" I asked her.

"Yes darling, i have some appointments to attend unfortunately." She said sadly.

"It's ok. We will meet up soon." I said.

"Of course darling. Call me if anything. Stella has my number, take it from her." She said with a smile.

"I will." I told her.

The taxi honked outside. "That's my cue to leave. See you both. It was nice spending time with you scarlett and stella."

"Call us when you land." Aunt said.

We waved her a good bye and she left.

We got inside and i got ready for school. A car honked from outside indicating that it was emily. I kissed aunt stella good bye and hopped in her car.

We were currently in our 4th lecture. Emily was doing something on her phone since the lecture started.

A student came in class asking for emily. She stood and hurried out with boy after taking professor's permission. I guess it was related to cultural programmes next week as she was part of cultural association of our school.

I started paying attention to lecture. After couple of moments i heard a beeping sound. I checked under the bench and found a phone. It was emily's. She forgot it in hurry.

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