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Scarlett's POV

I stood there like deer caught in headlights. He raised a brow as if waiting for explanation.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Ummm......." I trailed off.

"Does this has to do something with that Michael guy???" He asked glaring at me.

"Uh yeah we had a an argument and i asked him to give me time." I said in low voice.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Time for what?!" He slightly raised his voice.

I stayed silent staring at the roses.

"Don't tell me you are going to let him back in your life." He yelled.

"Stop. Why are you yelling?! I don't know what I'm gonna do. I need time to think about everything." I sighed.

"I honestly don't believe you right now. You still have feelings for him after everything he has done to you!"

"Look I'm in no mood of another argument right now. Drop it. We will talk later."

"Fine. Do what you want I'm out of here. I'm tired of your weird behaviour. You are going to end up hurt again. Then don't come running to me."

"Enough Jason. Go. Leave me alone. We will talk when you are not angry." I glared at him and motioned at door.

He crumpled the note and tossed it aside and stormed out slamming the door loudly.

I sighed.

Can this day get any worse?!?!

Having no appetite i decided to go to bed.

Next few days went slowly. I didn't contact Michael nor did he contacted me.

Jason was still angry at me. He ignored my calls and texts continuously.

I tried to forget about Michael but it was next to impossible. The reality of him being so far from me hurt but i was not up for another heartbreak. So i drowned myself in tonnes of work.

Ana came with another file to check. I was busy working.

"Hey um this is file about that new project. Can you check it once you are done?"

"Sure" i replied still working. She went to her desk.

After finishing most of work i began scrolling through contacts to call Lynn. She is sure gonna murder me for not calling her and keeping things for so long.

While rummaging through my contact list i came across Michael's cell number. I was so tempted to call him but my conscience held me back.

I sighed and dialled Lynn's number.

I told her everything that happened few days ago. She was agitated and shocked as i expected. But it felt good to talk with my bestfriend after a long time. A heavy weight on my shoulders was taken off.

I asked her about whether i should accept Michael or not. She simply replied by saying listen to your heart.
I groaned.

Finally after the day was over i went home and had a nice long hot shower.
I sat on sofa to have my dinner.

Should i call him? Should i reject him or accept him? What if he breaks my heart again? Till when am i gonna run from my emotions?! From him?! I won't know what will happen unless i take the risk.

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