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Micheal's POV

I dropped rebeccah home and drove to my home. Rebeccah can be annoying sometimes, She kept irritating me about that new chubby girl in school. There was something strange about that girl, the way those innocent brown eyes stared at me was intense. But she did manage to irritate hell out of me. No one talks back to me.

"Hey honey. How was your first day?" My mom asked sweetly as i enteted home.

"It was fine mom. It's not like i'm attending school for first time in my life."

"I know honey i was just curious. Anyways, dinner is ready go and freshen up."

"Okay" i said with tired posture.

I dropped my bag on chair and fell to bed. After some minutes my phone vibrated.

Rebeccah: Hey sweetheart. I miss you. I wonder if you wanna go out with the group to club tonight. We can have FUN.

Me: I don't know. I'm tired and i can't promise. I suggest you should go with them. Besides your annoying puppets will be there to flirt with me so i guess i'm not coming.

Rebeccah: Don't be a lame ass. If you want we can hang out more privately. If you know what i mean ;)

Me: No thanks. I'm in no mood for sex tonight. So have fun alone or search someone else.

Rebecccah: Someone else??!! I love you for pete's sake. And fine!! I will go alone.

Me: Whatever. Stop texting me. Good night.

With last reply i switched my phone off. Why does she have to go to club every second day and get drunk?! And trust me, you don't want to talk with drunk rebeccah. I sighed after rememberring last experience when her two puppets were all over me.

"You coming down for dinner mike?" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Yea mom. Will be down in a minute."

After delicious dinner i went back to room and slumped in bed. Sleep was taking over me instantly. Then that innocent face and brown eyes flashed in front of my eyes and sleep tookover me.

Scarlett's POV

I was waiting for Emily to pick me up at the gate. Today i was wearing a baby pink colour blouse and blue ripped jeans. Just i was about to call emily a car honked. It was emily's car.

"Hey morning. Hop in."

I smiled and got in car. "You look pretty." I complimented.

"Thanks" she grinned.

We arrived at school 20 minutes early. She quickly parked the car and walked to lockers, took our books and hurried to classrooms. To make my day shitty rebeccah and two other girls who i don't know were sitting in class gossiping about something. One of the girls saw me and said something to rebeccah. She quickly turned her head and gave me a wicked grin.

She spoke something in their ears and they all smirked. I ignored and took an empty seat in second row.
As soon as the lecture was over i stood up to leave the classroom but rebeccah and those two girls blocked my way. I gave confused expression.

"Who do you think you are?! Nothing but an over-sized animal with ugliest face. You think you can push me and apologize fakely and then pretend like nothing happened! You embarassed me in front of everyone."

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now