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Anyone who had confusion about her highschool please note that where i live education is completely different. So let's pretend that her highschool is for only an year.

Scarlett's POV

As soon as we got home i dropped my bags to corner of my room , changed in oversized tshirt with no pants on and crashed to bed. I was out like light.

My alarm went off at 8 am. Time to wake up. I was over excited as today i was going with aunt stella for my admission in highschool.

I quickly got of the bed and stood in front of bathroom mirror. I was smiling like idiot. After showering i went to kitchen.

Aunt stella's house was a bungalow with two floors. Living room was in left with adjacent bedroom and kitchen to right. She had two bedrooms on top floor. Of course i got a room to top. A small balcony. She had flowers planted in front which resembled a small garden and a garage. Her house was furnished with dark wood. In every way her house was many times better than mine.

Sweet delicious smell of pancakes hit my nose. I was offered a plate full of them dripping with syrup. I ate like there was no tomorrow.

"You look like someone starved you for all your life." Aunt stella said giggling.

"You are best cook. And yes i was starving." I said with mouthful of pancakes.

"While you finish eating i'm gonna change so we can go for your admission."

"Okay." I chirped happily.

We drove through busy roads of Chicago. I was always in awe of this city. The perfect weather made it more beautiful.

We arrived early as there was no traffic today. After parking our car we walked into highschool's direction.

The highschool was three times bigger than my old school. The campus looked more lively. I was over-whelmed.

We went into office for admission. After completing all procedures i was finally admitted. As highschool was not yet started the lady in office informed me that all schedules and class allotments will be pinned to notice board in the corridor beside lockers. We nodded amd left the building.

"Can we eat something? My stomach is growling." I asked holding my stomach.

"Of course honey. There is small caffee across the road which serves best cupcakes."

We walked in caffee called 'Sarah's pastries'. Fresh aroma of coffee welcomed us. It was small with white tiles and creme walls. About 5-6 tables were placed with counter.

Couple of waiters were noting down orders. Counter was filled with various pastries and bakery products.

"Miss Collins. What a pleasent surprise. Long time no see." The man behind the counter exclaimed.

He was probably in his mid-fifties with little gray hair poking out and a gentle smile on his face.

"Yes paul. I was at my sister's house for few days." Aunt stella smiled casually.

"Ahh i see! And who is this beautiful lady may i ask?" He said looking at me with warm smile and interest.

"This is Scarlett Jones. My niece. I brought her here for highschool. She will be staying with me." She told him.

"That's nice. I'm paul tyson. The owner of this caffee." He smiled at me. I nodded.

"So what do you wish to eat sweetie?"

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