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Thank you Riya720 toronado282 for all the votes.🖤🖤🖤

Scarlett's POV

I was beyond tired when the flight landed. I wanted to fall in my comfy bed and snuggle into sheets and sleep forever.

I made my way outside lazily. My head was spinning. I stumbled a few times but managed to walk until i was outside.

The scenario of michael smooching rebeccah refused to leave my head. I was so close to having another major anxiety breakdown. It was miracle even for myself that i made it this far without any of that depressing shit.

Jason was leaning over his black audi  right outside airport. I soon as he saw me he strode in my direction and enveloped me in bone crushing hug. He lifted me up and spined me.

I forced a smile and hugged him back.

"My jiggly puff i missed you so much" he exclaimed and pulled me into his chest again.

"Me too jason. Me too." I say sadly.

He carried my luggage to trunk and we got into his audi.

I was silent while he drove. I had no energy left to interact with others. I let myself drown in my misery and another heartbreak. I observed the running scenes and sky.

Jason kept his hand on mine and squeezed it lightly."Scarlett, are you okay? You are awfully quiet right now. What happened? Tell me."

I sighed and turned towards him.
"It's nothing jas. I am just overly stressed right now." I gave him a lazy smile.

He sighed. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me. If you want to talk about anything you can always tell me. You know i am there for you right?!"

I nodded and leaned on window and closed my eyes. At least for some time i will be at peace.

"Wake up sleepyhead we are here." Jason shook me slightly.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I got out and took my bag.

"You open the door i will bring your luggage." He told me.

I nodded and went up to open the door of my apartment. Jason kept my bags in bedroom. He plopped down on sofa and i brought water for both of us.

I leaned back on sofa and closed my eyes and sighed.

"I will get going. You seem to be dead tired from all the travelling. Call me if you want anything." He said and got up. He carried our glasses to kitchen and went towards door.

"Scarlett." His tone was hesitant.

"Hm?" I grumbled. My eyes still closed.

"I am here with you always. You are not into this alone. I hope you know that."

I smiled and looked at him. "I know jas. I will tell you everything when i sort my shit out. Right now all i need is good sleep." I yawned.

He grinned and nodded. He came back towards me and kissed me firmly on forehead and left.

After minutes of sulking i reluctantly got up and went in my room to change. I switched on my cell phone and texted aunt and lynn about my arrival here. Lynn was pissed because i didn't call her while leaving.

I changed into my pjs and tee and stood in front of my bathroom mirror.

The girl who stared me back was a complete stranger. She looked like a living corpse.

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