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Thank you Delorespatch , Senthuran20 and andreiasantos988 for voting on my book. For some reason andreiasantos988's name was not getting tagged but thank you so much for voting. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Scarlett's POV

I had a big satisfied smile on my face. I never felt more happy. It was amazing how my life was slowly changing. I had everything i wanted. Aunt Stella as my mother figure. Amazing friends. A loving boyfriend.

I made sure that the door was locked and checked everything else before going to my room.

I wore my PJs and jumped on bed. I turned off the lights and pulled the covers your my chin.

I recall everything that happened literally minutes ago. A small grin spreaded across my face. I could still feel his luscious lips on mine, his big and rough hands roaming all over my body emitting fireworks.

I began tracing my skin with my finger imagining it as his. My senses immediately came alive and i moaned in content closing my eyes.

Suddenly a wave of exhaustion took over me. I closed my eyes and snuggled into my pillow.

Soon i was out like a light lost into my lala-land.

Some faint scrapping noises disturbed my beauty sleep. I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep off my eyes.

After few moments the noises came again. This time little louder. Fear crawled up my spine making nasty goosebumps cover my being. I slowly placed my feet on floor and hissed as they came in contact with brutal cold.

I tiptoed to my door and opened it slowly making minimum creaking noises. A loud sound suddenly resonated through silence of the house followed by creepy silence. I took slow cautious steps towards the door. The darkness in the house didn't allow me to see much. But i was able to make our light sounds of footsteps from downstairs.

Dread filled my body. Someone broke into my house. Now what do i do? Sweat covered my forehead and my palms became clammy.

I went back in my room and locked the door slowly. I began searching for my phone haphazardly but i couldn't find it. Then i remembered Micheal tossed my purse somewhere near the door.

I sighed in frustration. Now how am i supposed to call Michael? Or anyone for that matter?! I thought.

How much more stupid and careless can you be Scarlett?!?!?! My subconscious snarled.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps started coming closer and closer to my door. I panicked in fear and rushed in bathroom smacking door shut loudly.

"Shit." I cussed. You know those people in cliche horror film who do dumbest things when they encounter something paranormal like screaming. Well yeah i just did that by slamming door loudly. Now whoever that is will surely kill me.

I stated frantically searching for something to defend myself with. I turned off the water supply and unscrewed  the shower head.The tapping sounds of feet got closer. I had one chance of escaping so i hid behind the door and unlocked it. After few dreadful moments the door knob turned slowly making my soul almost jump out of my body.

The person slowly crept in. I was breathing heavily. My body was covered in sweat with hot tears running down my face. My body was shaking with silent sobs.

As soon as he came in fully i hit his head with shower head.

"Bitch."he hissed and collapsed. I didn't recognize the voice.I took my chance and made run for door. But the unknown man gripped my leg and pulled it.

Taming the Devil (EDITED AND REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now