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I was alone in the library, tapping to the beat of a rock song whilst reading my biology textbook. It felt like it was entering my brain and then doing a U-turn and speeding right out again. I hated my course, I hated the school, and I hated the people in it. They are all pompous and pretentious arseholes.

I slammed the book shut which won me a disapproving glare from Mrs Jools, the librarian, and walked out of the library with the book still clutched in my arms.

Walking down the desolate halls I could hear the light sound of drum beats and guitar strums echoing in my ears. I decided to follow the sound, which lead me to a door with a small glass window. I peered through to see Brian and Roger, jamming in the corner whilst a singer took a solo in front. He was good, but not Freddie good.

I watched on for a few moments, until I felt a presence behind me.

"Rose?" Freddie asked, smiling as I turned round.

"Freddie, are these smile auditions?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, I'm up next. I'm sure I'll get it darling I wouldn't worry" He joked and entered the room whilst the other guy left.

"Ah Freddie" Brian started.

I poked my head in the door and Roger spotted me, motioning for me to come in.

"Rose, please join us" Roger smiled up at me.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be intrusive or anything?" I asked.

"Not at all, go on Freddie whenever you're ready" Brian smiled politely and got his guitar ready.

I waited in anticipation, wondering what they would perform like as a trio. I have to say what I was expecting ended up being exceeded immensely.

They played an unfamiliar song to me, but shivers ran up my spine with every drum beat and every strum of the guitar, not to mention Freddie's vocals that completely towered over the previous front man.

They performed as though they were meant to be together, as though they had never played without each other. It was truly magical, and the way Freddie moved was sensational.

Their piece came to an end and the look of the duets faces mirrored mine, whilst Freddie stood there awaiting a response.

I stayed quiet whilst the blond and brunette deliberated.

"Freddie, how would you like to be part of smile?" Brian smiled, and Roger turned to me sending me a smirk.

"I say, let's get some fucking drinks to celebrate" Freddie said with a grin, opening his arms wide whilst we all laughed.

Without knowing it I had found a group of misfit friends, which meant that I fit in perfectly.


"What are you drinking? First round is on me" Fred smiled.

We were sat in a booth in the bar that they usually perform at, and I had to say it was the most fun I'd ever had.

My hair was loosely curled and cascaded over my shoulders, whilst the mini skirt and jumper that I wore cling to my body. I was wearing what I wore to the library, and I didn't really try to dress up because nobody is ever there that late.

"Just two beers for me and Bri, mate" Roger said.

"Gin and tonic please, Fred" I smiled up at him and he went to get the order.

"So how's the hunt for a bassist been?" I asked, looking at the two lads.

"Not good so far, love. Seems like nobody plays the bloody bass" Roger huffed.

"Hey don't loose hope, if it makes you feel any better my studies are going shit so if all else fails you can teach me how to play" I joked, and the two lads laughed.

"That isn't sounding too bad at the moment" Brian smirked, as Freddie placed the clinking glasses down on the table.

There was a series of thank you's before we returned to the conversation.

"I'm sure if we did have a beautiful lady like you in the band that we'd have a few more fans though" Roger joked, motioning towards a group of men that kept on looking over at me.

I blushed when he called me beautiful, and I'm pretty sure that he noticed.

I picked up my drink to busy myself and kept raising my eyes to see the same group still looking over at me from time to time.

"Are they bothering you?" Roger asked, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

A shiver ran down my spine as his breath hit my skin, but I shook my head and he leaned back.

Freddie caught the gaze of a blonde girl and he sauntered over to her.

"So the 'fame' of band life is already going to his head I see" I giggled, taking my straw between my lips and drinking some of the alcohol.

"Yeah, let him take it all in. When we're still in this situation next year he won't feel like such a champion" Brian huffed.

"Brian, shut up you moody bugger. Just because you're not champions now doesn't mean you won't be in the future. Even if you don't make it big you two helped me through some right shit. That should be enough for you, knowing that your music has helped even one person stay sane" I poured my heart out to the lads as they listened in awe.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry Rose" Brian sighed, tapping my hand reassuringly.

"I know we haven't known you for long, hell we're only here now because you happened to be snooping on the auditions" Roger started, and we all chuckled, "But just know that Bri and I are always here for you no matter what. We're all outcasts, we need to have each others backs"

"You too guys" I smiled, and he pulled me into a side hug.

We chatted all night and at the end of the evening they dropped me off at my flat. These lads were strangely the only thing that was keeping me sane at the moment, and now that I knew them it made me feel so happy and safe.

Now we just had to find them a bass player.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now