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The next few weeks were extremely chilled, as we were still unpacking some boxes, we had just found out the news of my pregnancy and we began to plan the wedding. Not only that, but Roger had finished his album much faster than expected, and he didn't even have to write on tour.

I was currently sat on him, trying to plait his hair which he was putting up a great effort to stop me doing.

"Please nooo" He whined, trying to whack my hand away.

"Please yesss" I mimicked, pulling a bobble off my hand.

"Why do I let you do this?" He chuckled, giving up eventually.

"Because you love me" I grinned, bouncing closer to him.

"Yes I do and you'll be the death of me, Rose" He huffed, letting me play with his messy hair.

"Oh get a grip, look at Brian's hair. He's cool, he can embrace a different style, you're boring" I joked, ruffling the blond waves around.

"Oi, my hair is iconic" He shrugged.

"To who? Anyway, here we go" I licked my lips as I French plaited his hair.

I sat behind him on the top of the sofa, resting my legs over him which he held with his arms comfortingly, giving them a small pinch every now and then to make me laugh.

"There. You. Go" I tied the bobble around his hair with every word, and he stood up.

"Oh my god" he groaned, looking in the mirror.

His wispy fringe was hanging down, and the two plaits were resting on his shoulders nearly.

"Oh my god, it's just come to me" I suddenly burst out laughing, standing up and talking to him through the mirror.

"What?" He asked nervously, wondering what I was going to say.

"You're now Rogerina!" I laughed, playing with his hair.

"Rogerina? All the names you could have chosen and you just add 'ina' to the end?" He scoffed, shrugging his arms.

"Well sorry mr drag queen, but I'm sure your fans would love to witness this" I tried to suppress my laughter, but it was not working at all.

"Sorry bean, your daddy is a drag queen" He laughed, kneeling down to talk to my stomach.

"Bean?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I was really curious, so I talked to Bri and he said that in the first few weeks she will be the size of a jelly bean, so I call her bean now" he nodded.

"Aw that's sweet, hiya baby bean! Hope you're okay in there" I said down to my stomach.

"I don't think she can hear us" he laughed, as though it wasn't obvious.

"She?" I smiled. My theory has just been confirmed. Roger is definitely more excited than me for this baby.

"I'm just guessing, but I have this feeling you know? Don't you?" He asked.

"No, but I'm so glad that you're excited for this. I was a bit scared to tell you at first, so you being so calm and Halley makes everything so much better" I sighed, kissing his cheek.

"Of course I would be. I have the band obviously, so maybe our children won't see as much of me as they will of you, but I won't be touring forever. I love you and I will love every child we have and every child they have. I may be in a rock band but nothing comes between my family, they make me soft" He laughed, kissing my forehead as he pulled me into a hug, caressing the back of my hair soothingly.

"You restore my hope more and more every day" I grinned, hugging him.

"I'm glad, the fact that you've dealt with me all this time astounds me" he laughed.

"Likewise, I never thought that the handsome Roger Taylor would ever utter my name, never mind kiss me every night and bless me with a ring and a baby" I smiled up at him.

"Why is everything you say, so poetic?" He shook his head laughing.

"Because I'm a poshy, as you call me, and that's how we speak" I replied.

"Well I don't mind, it's like music to my ears" He danced around jokingly.

"You know what? I think that Freddie, Deacy and Brian are all very well spoken, there's only you that isn't" I joked, poking his chest.

"Oh really? And what evidence d' you have to support that argument?" He asked, smiling.

"Well I remember you doing that interview and you went I'm Rogah Taylah and I am the drummah and one of the singers for Queen" I mimicked him jokingly.

I happened to love his accent and his tone of voice, which was more raspy and sexy compared to the other lads.

"Well in my defence I looked better than John who just recited his birth history" Roger defended, which was true to be honest.

"Oh yes, I remember. My name is John Richard Deacon and I was born on August the nineteenth 1951" I also imitated the bassist, as he told the camera his birthday rather than his job in the band.

"I have no idea why he said that" Roger shook his head laughing.

Simultaneously, we both flopped down onto the couch again and his arm wrapped around me. My head rested against his shoulder and it soothes me as he moved with every breath.

"I love ya Rose" he mumbled, stroking my hair back.

"Love you too, Rogerina" I smirked, flicking the plaits.

"You're joking about the hair now, but I have an idea that will make you laugh even more" he suddenly said, smiling at me.

"And what would that be?" I asked curiously.

"We all dress up in drag for a video" He replied.

I instantly burst into laughter and nodded profusely.

"If that doesn't happen we're not getting married" I joked.

"I might have to lock myself in the cupboard again then" He replied and we both erupted into a fit of giggles.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now