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The wedding was rolling around faster and faster, even Roger had bought his suit which shows how close it was as he leaves everything to last minute. He still wouldn't tell me where the wedding was going to be, so it seems like I'll be finding out on the day.

"How does this one sound?" Brian asked, playing a guitar solo for the hundredth time.

"Brian I told you it was amazing the first time" I whined, "it's still amazing now"

"But I keep on messing up a few chords, this is your wedding Rose it has to be perfect" Brian stressed.

"No! I don't want it to be perfect! I want to have those little funny moments that we will remember forever, perfect is brining where's the fun in that?" I scoffed, and he laughed at me with a wide grin.

"I'm really happy for you and Roger" He  said out of the blue.

"Aw Bri, I'm really happy for you and Chrissie too, how's the new baby?" I asked excitedly.

A few weeks ago Chrissie gave birth to an adorable baby girl, Louisa. I hadn't stopped visiting for the entire duration, just wanting to hold the little baby in my arms and stare at him.

"Not good. No- the baby is fine" He said, immediately changing his words.

"Brian what's wrong?" I asked, standing up and walking closer to him.

"It's Chrissie. We keep falling out and arguing really badly. I even asked her if she wanted to separate at one point, but she got all angry again so now I'm here" He shook his head sadly, rubbing his temple with his fingertips.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked worriedly.

"I've been in this depressed mood for ages now, I guess I was too embarrassed. I mean how am I, a famous rock artist, depressed? There's people in other parts of the world starving and I'm here with everything I could possibly need. And I still manage to be depressed" He huffed, slumping into the chair behind him.

"No, don't think about it like that Brian. If things between you and Chrissie aren't working, maybe she's just stressing about the baby? Maybe you both are? I'd give it a few months before making any drastic decisions. I mean it's not like you're seeing someone else is it?" I laughed.

However, my laugh soon faded when he looked up at me with guilt evident on his eyes. Oh god, here we go.

"Brian?" I asked, a bit on anger laced in my words.

"She's called Anita Dobson" he sighed, rubbing a hand through his curly hair.

"Anita Dobson? From EastEnders!?" I asked angrily, with shock the most prominent expression on my features.

"Yes. I didn't mean to at first, she was just there. But she's really helped me in this depression. I've had thoughts of suicide, Rose. Luckily Anita was there to help me" He sighed, looking down at his hands sadly.

"Brian why didn't you talk to us" I gasped, pulling him up into a huge hug.

"Like I said, I was embarrassed" He said back.

"Well don't let this happen again alright? If you're feeling down or just fed up you tell me okay?" I ordered, and he nodded.

"Yeah" He huffed.

"Right, let's go and get a coffee to clear our heads. God, who knew that the two of us would have some of the most dramatic lives in history" I rolled my eyes, pulling my bag on my shoulder and leaving the studio, Brian trailing behind me.

The cafe was small and quaint, so luckily nobody really recognised Brian. Even if they did, the just stood there for a second smiling before making their way along.

"So what's this Anita like then?" I asked, with a grin.

Was I happy that he was having an affair? Not at all. Did he choose the complete wrong time for Chrissie? Definitely. But do I love him and want him to be happy? More than anything. There is no point guilt tripping him now, the poor man is already depressed as it is.

"She's great, so beautiful and smart. Good singer too, great actress. She's really kind too, not obsessed with my fame, obviously she has her own but that's a different kind" he said, listing every good thing about her in thirty seconds as though it was some kind of time trial.

"Woah woah, slow down" I laughed, sipping the tea from the china cup delicately.

"What do I do, Rose?" He stressed, gripping his china cup so tightly that I thought it would crumble under his palms.

"I don't know, but you have to end it with one of them, you know that" I stated bluntly. There's times when you have to be firm, even if it may hurt someone.

"I know" He said, running a hand through his wild head of hair.

"The question is, who?" I asked intently.

"It has to be Chrissie. I know we have a family, but a family isn't a family if it's full of lies and depression is it?" He said, trying to convince himself.

"If that's how you feel, then go ahead. Although this will be a huge shock for Chrissie, you need to be careful about how you do this" I warned.

"Yeah..." he groaned, shrugging his arms together to cross them.

"You've got yourself in some right shot here, May" I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah..." he repeated.

"Don't leave it too long though yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah..." He said again, still not looking up at me.

I whacked him on the shoulder and his eyes shot up to meet mine.

"Brian! Focus! We need to commence project save Brian May's arse here, and I can't go in alone" I laughed, and even he let out a chuckle.

"Project save Brian May's arse is officially in progress" He nodded, shaking my hand gently.

Oh god, these boys never give me a boring day do they?

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now