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It was the day to go back to London, which meant I had to move all of my stuff from Brian's, where I'd stored it for the duration of the tour. I had no idea where I was going to stay as I had made no money over the duration of the tour obviously.

We were nearing London, but for most of the journey we all crashed on our beds out of utter exhaustion. When I knew that everyone was asleep, I crept out of my bed and down by Rogers.

I shook him lightly and he stirred immediately, groaning as he began to open his eyes.

"Shh, it's me" I whispered, and without warning he lazily scooped me up and pulled me on top of his chest.

I giggled and he put his finger over my mouth to shut me up. We both smiled as we tried our hardest not to laugh.

"I'm so glad that I didn't screw this up" he whispered into my hair.

Everyone knew that we had made up, and they were all delighted that we were both back to our normal self's once more.

"Well if I was another girl I'm sure you'd be out on the street dead in a ditch by now" I exaggerated.

"But your not like any other girl, are you Thomas?" He teased, moving his hand down my thigh.

We sat up now, me straddling him as his hands gripped my thighs.

"Definitely not" I smirked, leaning in to kiss the blond sweetly.

Suddenly, Brian's curly head popped over the top of the bunk bead.

"Could you two be quiet? I'm happy that you're happy, but you can do whatever it is that you are doing in about three hours when we get home" He said.

"Sorry Bri" I whispered.

He pushed himself back up and as soon as he did Roger and I erupted into a fit of silent giggles. I started to get up but he pulled me back down and brought me under the covers with him.

My heart was racing and there were tingles travelling all over my skin. His hand found my waist and he pulled me towards him, my legs intertwined with his. He brought one of his hands to my chin and lifted it up for my lips to join his.

We ended up falling asleep next to each other, squished on a single bed. In the morning we awoke to the feeling of the bus shunting forward. I nearly went flying off the bed, but luckily roger awoke too and caught me before I could roll all the way off. We both laughed immediately and I rolled back onto his chest.

"Finally" Deacy said, pulling his bag off the bus and jumping down from the stairs. Brian did the same as well as Freddie. Mary was about to jump off too, but stopped before to say something.

"Oh by the way, I took a picture of you two sleeping on that camera that you stalk people with. Hope you don't mind, I stuck it in your scrapbook" she smirked and winked at me and Rog, before she skipped out of the bus.

I turned to look at Roger with a crimson face, and he pushed me off of him gently before jumping on to my bed.

"No, you can't!" I shouted, as he scrambled around looking for my scrapbook.

He eventually found it and was flicking through the pages.

"I look good when I sleep" He joked, turning the book around to reveal the one that I took of him the other night.

"Oh god" I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"It's cute" he laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't mention the fact that I've had a massive crush on you since I met you.. have I?" I threw myself under his covers.

Suddenly I felt a weight on top of me, and the duvet was pulled away to reveal a very smug looking Roger Taylor on top of me.

"Well its a good job I haven't been a total knob head then?" He smirked.

"I wouldn't go that far, you've been pretty shitty" I winked, and kissed him, pulling him towards me by his shirt.

"Take that back" He whispered into the kiss.

"Only you can fix that" I said, pushing him off me to tease him.

I got up and got all my packed bags sorted, and before leaving the bus I blew him a kiss. In return he just laughed and shook his head at me.

"Bri!" I shouted over at Brian who was meant against a taxi, waiting for me.

"Good to know you two have made up" He  beamed.

"Of course" I swished past him and shoved my bags in the boot.

We jumped in the cab and went back to Brian's.

As soon as we entered his flat we collapsed onto the sofa, completely exhausted from the tour.

Suddenly the phone rang and Brian huffed before picking it up.

"Brian May" He said into the phone.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and tried to listen in.

"Yeah.." He said.

My brow furrowed as I tried to work out who it was. Although, I didn't want to intrude so I got up to get a bottle of water.

"You're not serious?" He said excitedly.

Oh god, now I was dying to know what it was.

He hung up and came rushing into where I was.

"John has booked us a tour in America! Can you believe it Rose? Our songs are in the American charts" he said, utterly gobsmacked.

I was so shocked that the water bottle I was holding slowly slipped from my hands and I jumped into my best friends arms.

"I'm so happy for you! When do you all go?" I asked.

"I think you mean we. John said you can come too" he smiled hugging me again.

"No way" I breathed.

It was all so surreal, all of the exhaustion suddenly disappeared and we were so excited to get up and go on the next tour.

It was just time to tell the lads.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now