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A few months later

"Come on" I smiled, kneeling on the ground as Lizzie began to scramble over to me happily.

She had only just began to sit up, but seemed to tilt like the tower of Pisa every time she tried. However, she seemed to be getting the hang of the rolling, as when we placed her down she just loves to roll around and laugh.

"Why are you so cute" Roger grinned, picking her up and hugging her to his chest tightly.

"Why are you two so cute" I laughed, watching the dad and daughter duo smiling happily.

"Because she was made by us. With my banging body and your beautiful good looks she was bound to be a cute baby" He joked.

"I hope you don't go round telling people that, let's not make you sound too modest" I said sarcastically, and he looked at me with a glare.

"Just because it's true" He shrugged, wiggling his nose over Elizabeth's lightly.

"Maybe" I added, standing up and snuggling into his side.

He passed her over to me and as soon as he did she started crying and trying to reach back to him.

"Oh my god" He laughed, pursing his lips together to not look too excited.

"Go on, take the credit. She's a daddy's girl" I rolled my eyes, rocking her until she stopped crying.

"I can't wait until she's older and I can drop her off at ballet class and we can go and watch her performances" He smiled.

"She's going to be a dancer, huh?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, the best. I reckon she's got a musical side from me, not you babe sorry" He laughed, taking her back to continue playing with her cutely.

"You told me my singing was improving" I pouted, and he pulled me in with his free arm for a hug.

"To be fair to you, you have improved a lot. You weren't even bad before, you just said you were, I always loved listening to you sing" He shrugged.

"I'm shit, what are you on about?" I laughed.

"You're actually not at all, especially not now. I've taught you well" He joked.

"Well I don't know when I can use my newly acquired skill, hopefully there's a wedding soon and I can take the spotlight for once" I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"You can If you want, I'm being serious ya' know" He said with a nod.

"I just always assumed I was bad" I shrugged.

"Yeah well you assumed wrong, love" he assured, kissing the top of my head gently.

A knock rang through the house and Roger gave me a smile, signalling that it was my turn to greet the mystery guest.

I went to the door and opened it, revealing the other three band members waiting outside with grins on their faces.

"Oh my god" I said with a shocked expression.

"What?" John asked, looking around him with a confused expression.

"It's Queen! Honey, Queen are at the door right now!" I yelled jokingly.

"We thought we'd knock on every door in the street to find a drummer. Ours is shit, darling. Your husband doesn't happen to be a drummer does he?" Freddie asked jokingly, playing along with the charade.

"Yes, but he's rather crap" I said quietly, and opened the door for them all to come in.

They all chuckled as they slipped off their shoes and they followed me into the living room where Roger was still standing with Lizzie.

"Ah Lizzie! Can I hold her?" Freddie asked excitedly as he rushed over to the baby.

He absolutely loved coming to see Elizabeth. I find it adorable that he has such a love for children and I know he really wants some of his own one day. But for now, Mary and I have babies and we are more than happy for him to babysit anytime.

He picked her up and she instantly started giggling as he spun her around and bounced her up and down.

We all grinned at the sight and until Brian knocked us out of the trance, we were transfixed on the sight.

"Fred? You brought us here for a chat, not to play with Lizzie" He laughed, giving me a disapproving look towards Freddie which I laughed at.

"Oh, of course" He nodded, and passed her back to me.

"I'll just take her upstairs, she's due for a nap anyway" I said, kissing her head as I went upstairs.

Once I'd put her in her cot I switched off the light and rushed back downstairs, not wanting to miss the conversation they were about to have.

They were still gathered in the living room so I thought I'd make them feel more at home.

"Anyone want a cuppa?" I asked, poking my head around the corner of the kitchen.

"I'll have a cup of coffee please" John nodded.

"I'll have a cup!" Roger added, as I walked back into the kitchen.

"Me too please, Rose" Brian called.

"So that's three cups of coffee?" I shouted back, clicking on the kettle to boil.

"I'll have one sugar in mine please" Deacy yelled, and I popped one sugar into the cup.

"Roger what do you want!?" I called back.

"I'll have one and three sevenths please!" He shouted, but I couldn't make it out.

"Three sugars, Rog!?" I shouted, not being able to hear him over the bubbling water.

"One and three sevenths!"  I could only catch certain parts of the words and dreadfully misheard the drummer.

"Seven sugars!?" I called, storming back into the living room.

"You can't have seven sugars-" I stopped when I saw them all sniggering at each other in the corner like naughty school boys, and pointed the spoon I was holding at him.

"Ooh she'll spoon you, Rog" Deacy joked.

"Deacy, I'll spoon you too if you're not careful" I said jokingly, and everyone began to burst out laughing.

Once I'd made all the cups I passed them to each of the band members, only adding one sugar into each and not the desired 'one and three sevenths'.

"So Fred, what did you want to talk to us about?" I smiled, sitting down.

He stayed stood up as we all sat on the couch, turning to face us as he began to speak.

"I've got it"

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now