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I wandered into my biology class five minutes early, to make sure I got my usual seat at the back. I didn't really know anyone in my class, and probably couldn't even tell you their names to save my life.

A tall geeky looking guy walked in and took the seat next to me, I've seen him before but have never spoken to him.

I heard him shuffle around in his bag and huff when he obviously couldn't find what he was rummaging around for.

"Excuse me?" He asked politely, looking over at me with a grin.

"Yes?" I replied with the same level of politeness.

"You don't have a spare pen do you? I've been a bugger and left mine at home" He shrugged.

"Yeah of course" I smiled and passed him one of the many pens that I had stuffed in my satchel.

"Thanks a lot, I'm John by the way" He said, holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Rose" I shook his hand and went back to my book.

"How come we've never spoken before?" People were beginning to enter the class now and sit down around us, making the conversation less awkward.

"I'm pretty much a loner" I shrugged and laughed, tapping my pen awkwardly against the side of my desk.

"Well, welcome to the losers club then" He joked and also went back to his book.

"Do you fancy going for a coffee? After class? No strings attached of course, but we both seem in need of a friend as sad as that may sound" He laughed, hoping I would say yes.

"Yeah, that sounds great" Even if I wasn't attracted to him he seemed rather nice and I could see us being close friends.

The lecture dragged on for what felt like days, but it eventually finished and we both made our way to a little cafe that sat outside our university.

We both ordered a coffee and sat down by the window.

"So tell me about yourself? Apart from the fact that you're a loner of course" He joked and I punched his arm playfully.

"Well I'm really into rock music, and I smoke a lot. So pretty much any other teenage girl just with a smaller amount of social life" I giggled.

"Wow, you may just be the saddest person I have ever met" He said sarcastically.

"Careful John, or that coffee will be over your head" I warned, jokingly.

"How about you? Any hobbies other than studying?" I teased.

"Yes actually, I used to be in a band I will have you know" He said, pretending to straighten an imaginary tie.

"Ah... and what did you play? The triangle? The recorder?" I laughed.

"No actually, the bass guitar. I was quite the stud in high school" He joked.

"Oh really quite the st- wait! You play bass? Are you good?" I asked frantically.

"Well I would say I'm quite good, but I wouldn't want to come across as boastful" he said nervously.

"Come with me, now"


"Rose.... whose this?" Brian asked, confused.

"This is John-" I looked at him for his last name.

"Deacon" He nodded.

"This is John Deacon, your new bass guitarist" I curtsied for the three lads in front of me "you're welcome"

"No way" Roger smirked, "you're an angel, Rose"

"Well we don't know if he's any good yet, come on let's play" Brian added.

We all went down to the practice room and they all jammed for a few minutes. This ended in them obviously asking John to be part of the band and us going out for more celebratory drinks.

"To smile" I grinned, holding up my red wine.

"To smile" They all said in unison, clinking our glasses together.

"Let's dance" Freddie said, and John and Brian followed him to the floor.

"Don't feel like dancing?" Asked Roger.

"Nah, I rarely do" I said, sipping the red wine.

"Why not?" He asked curiously, taking a gulp of his pint.

"I can't dance" I laughed as though it was obvious.

"Seriously? Who dances properly in a bar? Nobody, you just sway and nod your head. Come on, love" He said, chugging the last bit.

"Oh god" I sighed, and I too chugged half a glass of wine before he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor.

We swayed side to side but mine was a lot more awkward and stiff. He leaned in to talk in my ear.

"Just relax, nobodies watching" He said, patting my shoulders.

My stomach was doing cartwheels at the interaction, and I was cursing myself for having a childish crush on the drummer.

"Come on, let's get another drink" I diverted the dancing and made my way over to the bar.

"Shots?" He asked.

"Shots" I nodded.

"That's my girl" He said proudly and gave me a side hug.

My girl

God shut up Rose! You're being pathetic.

"6 of your strongest shots please, we're getting fucking shit faced tonight, love" He grinned and the bartender nodded.

We downed the three shots with ease and ordered more. By about the tenth one we were both fully drunk, and stumbling around each other like babies learning to walk.

I had to wrap my arm around him to stabilise myself in the stilettos. But I wasn't complaining.

"See, you're dancing now because you have lost your ability to give a shit, darling" He said proudly.

We danced side to side and he had to keep on catching me in case I fell on my face.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Rose" He said seriously, and began leaning in drunkenly.

At this point I panicked. Although I was drunk and liked him, I didn't want to ruin anything by kissing him in our drunken state.

As though I was saved by the bell, the other guys came along and knocked us out of the trance we were currently trapped in.

"Are you all ready to leave?" Brian asked, catching me before I fell on the floor.

"I think so" I slurred and the lads laughed at me.

"She can stay at my flat tonight, she's not being alone like this" Brian said, he really was the dad of the group.

"Thanks Bri, you know I can always count on you to help me? You are amazing, absolutely amazing. I love you Brian" I sing the last part as I hugged him. Oh my god I am never living this down.

"You're never letting this go are you?" John asked, chuckling at me.

"Of course I'm not, this is comedy gold my friend" Brian laughed and carried me out of the bar.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now