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The band was really coming along nicely, and although the memories from our numerous nights out have been washed away with alcohol, these have been the times of my life. We had a new addition to our group, Mary, who seemed to take a strong liking to Freddie.

She was a lovely girl, and it was really nice to have another girl here to give me more sanity. I would say that I need help looking after the lads, but it's more that they need more help looking after Roger and I when we get shit faced.

I was currently smoking a stress cigarette, as it was their first gig as a band together. We were currently sitting backstage and the tension could be cut with a knife. Everyone seemed to love the old smile, so hopefully they will love John and Freddie just as much.

"Two minutes lads" Brian popped his head through the door and they all stood up to make their way to the stage.

"Good luck guys, you'll smash this" I said, and gave them all a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

I took my spot on the barstool our front, whereas Mary stood in the crowd.

They all strutted on stage and the group of fans cheered loudly for the four lads, me included.

"Please welcome John Deacon, and Freddie B- Our new frontman" Roger announced.

"Whose this paki!?" Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and I gasped in shock.

How rude can some people be? He wasn't even Pakistani, but even if he was how does anyone have the nerve to shout something so utterly vile?

"Yeah where's the other guy!?"

They ignored the crude comments and began the show. It started slow, but as the pace picked up Freddie really stole the show and I knew that the dickheads in the crowd would be shutting up now.

A few tears escaped my eyes as I watched my four best friends performing together, so perfectly too.

The crowd were loving the group, and even singing along with some of the more well known songs.  I could tell from the minute I met Freddie that he would be an eccentric and amazing performer, but I had no idea that when paired with a band it would create such a pleasing and sensational sound.

I was truly in awe as I watched them.


"Guys... you were amazing" I gushed, my eyes filling with tears.

"Aw don't Rose, you'll set me off" Roger grinned from ear to ear.

"Genuinely though you were outstanding, I can't help it, I felt like I was watching my children I'm so proud of you all" I said.

Freddie picked me up from behind and spun me around. I screamed before he put me down and turned to face the singer.

"And you Freddie, were amazing. I'm so so proud" I whispered, and he pulled me into a back breaking hug.

"I wouldn't be here without you Rose, I love you so much" He whispered back.

"More celebratory drinks?" Roger smiled.

"How about we all chill at mine? So we can actually remember one of the good occasions" Brian chuckled.

"Sounds good to me" I nodded.

"Yeah whatever, as long as there's at least one beer" Roger pleaded.

"Oh fine" Brian gave in and we all made our way to the van.

"I just wanted to say thank you to you all, I would have never seen myself in another band. It has been amazing so far" John smiled modestly, and we all grinned in return.

"You're great pal, no need to thank us. If it wasn't for Rose this wouldn't have been possible" Roger said as he wrapped his muscular arm around my shoulders tightly.

"She's an angel" He added.

"I'll second that one" Freddie said in his posh accent.

"Yeah I'll third" Brian added, twisting the keys to set of the engine.

We drove back to his flat and all crashed on the floor or the sofa.

"What a night" John sighed, taking a gulp of beer.

I held a cigarette between my lips and inhaled as much of the smoke as I could. Suddenly, the cig was pulled from my lips and I looked up to see Roger breathing in the smoke.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, can I have a drag, love?" He smirked, and passed me my cigarette back.

"Oh yeah, love, you can" I mimicked, and took one last hit before squishing it between my fingers in the ashtray.

"Can I sit?" Roger asked, motioning next to me.

"Go ahead" I shrugged, budging up a little bit to allow him some space.

"Thanks" he smirked, plonking down next to me. He lazily draped an arm over the cushion behind my head and used his other arm to feed beer down his throat.

I thought it would be funny to take advantage of the moment, and despite my disgust of beer, I stole his bottle and took a huge swig.

"Excuse me?" He retorted.

"Oh yeah, can I have a sip?" I smirked.

"Oh yeah, sure" He mimicked, and pulled the bottle back.

"Hey guys, this might be a stupid idea... but have you ever thought about changing your name? You know, you are a new band after all" I suggested.

"That's quite a good idea actually" Mary smiled, and nudged Freddie.

"Yes, marvellous. But what would we be called?" He asked.

"I know!" Roger started.

This won't be good at all.

"Radiohead!" He smirked proudly.

"No, that will get us nowhere. What did it even mean?" Freddie disagreed.

The conversation ended with the lads coming up with strange names like: Metallica, Oasis and I swear at one point that Roger suggested Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

"I think I might have it" Freddie said with a toothy grin.

"Go on?" Brian said tiredly.

"Well it might not be as good as smile though, that is the only problem"

This was my fault, this hour conversation wouldn't have happened if I didn't mention the bloody name. However, it was tired and they did need a new image. Although I didn't see a new image being too difficult with Freddie as their front man.

"Just go on Fred, it can't be worse than some of Taylor's over here can it" I giggled and he nudged my side.

There was definitely some obvious flirting going on between the two of us, but I suppose he was like that with all the girls. I wouldn't say that I'm falling in love with him at all, but I do picture his face most of the time and I think that he is one of the most gorgeous men to ever walk the earth. That's not weird is it?

"How about..." Freddie began a drum roll.

"Oh get on with it" Brian groaned.


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