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After they had all got ready, I excused myself and followed Freddie secretly. I noticed him from afar outside, and saw him on the payphone by the bathrooms.

He must be talking to Mary I thought. However, my heart raced when I saw him checking out a truck driver that jumped out of vehicle and walked towards the bathrooms.

He was quick to hang up then, and he even looked around the corner and I could tell that he was contemplating whether to follow him in or not.

Freddie can't be gay? I mean, he's flamboyant and theatrical, but that doesn't mean he's gay does it? He can't be, he loves Mary with all of his heart. I breathing quickened when he started to walk my way, but my mind was too fried from the previous scene to rush away.

He noticed me as he passed and a guilty face instantly spread across his face.

"Rose?" He asked nervously.

"Oh, was just coming out for a cigarette... then I remembered that I quit!" I lied, and it must have been obvious because he looked suspicious.

"You saw me on the phone then?" He asked.

"Yes, Mary was it?" I asked.

"It was, she seems well. She was asking about you" He said, patting my shoulder.

I think he might have known that I saw him checking out the truck driver, but didn't want to admit it or show any signs that he knew.

We made our way back in and I found Roger.

"Good show" I complemented, as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah, it felt great" He replied with a nod.

"You ready to go back to the hotel?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's head off" He nodded, and we walked out of the arena after saying farewell to the other lads.

"How about, we go back and order a shit load of room service" He turned to face me, holding my hands and walking backwards.

"Why not?" I beamed, which he reciprocated.

When we got back to the hotel room, we ordered basically every pizza on the room service menu that we liked the look of. Sometimes it was nice to just chill and kick your feet up.

We sat there, watching old recordings of their smile gigs. It was rather amusing actually, as sometimes I would be seen in the background wearing basically the same outfit and either sipping on a gin and tonic or smoking. How classy am
I though?

We ate so much food, and by the end we were flat out on the couches.

"Roger I have to tell you something really important... and you can't freak out okay?" I said seriously, and he got really nervous immediately.

"Okay?" He said sceptically.

"I'm pregnant" I sighed.

"Oh- how did that happen?" He asked, he looked happy but I could tell it was just a cover for his amazement.

"Ha just kidding, it's a food baby" I laughed and threw myself back onto the couch.

"I nearly had an aneurysm" Be breathed, holding his chest.

"Urm, please don't" I said, lifting up my head to look at him.

I was contemplating whether to tell Roger about Freddie or not. In the end I decided not to, but it was always burning in my mind. Was he just curious? Or was he actually checking that man out? I really hope it wasn't the latter.

"You okay, love?" He asked, walking over to me and slumping onto my couch.

"Yeah, Fine" I said, lifting myself up to lean against him.

"I was thinking anyway, we've never done the dating thing. Would you like to go on a date with me next week? We'll be back off tour by then" He asked, looking down at me longingly.

"I never thought of it like that, but of course I would" I smiled and reached up to kiss him.


It was getting to the last few gigs, and my suspicions about Freddie were increasing every night. I'd try and listen in to his phone calls as much as possible, and they only seemed to be about his cats and never about Mary. He doesn't even say 'I love you' at the end of the call. How different would it be if she was here now, would he still be drifting away from her?

Roger, John, Brian and I are currently chilling in Roger and I's hotel room. The topic of Mr Freddie Mercury was the main conversation of the night. Everyone is just so worried about him.

"He's changed that's for sure" Roger nodded, gulping down his beer.

We all munched on the leftover pizza from the other night, lovely I know. I opted for a glass of red wine to go with it, whilst the other guys were drinking beers as usual.

"It makes me sad, Deacy" I said quietly.

"I know, me too. I don't want the fame to get to his head. I've noticed that his phone calls with Mary haven't been as long as usual" he said with a disappointed grimace.

"Yeah me too" I said sadly.

"Don't worry though, we'll all talk some sense into him" he assured, patting my shoulder.

"You okay, love?" Roger asked. I nodded in response and leant against his torso.

"Aw look, Roger and Rose have gone all soft" Brian chuckled, motioning towards us.

"Have not" we both said in unison, jerking up.

"They can't even string a sentence together without the other finishing it for them" John sniggered, taking a sip of his beer.

I laughed sarcastically and pushed the bottle further up, making more beer pour down his throat than he expected. He coughed at first whilst the rest of us laughed, then he joined in with the laughter as he recovered.

This is how it is supposed to be, but isn't it  funny how Freddie isn't here. The game is definitely getting to his head and we have to stop him.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now