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There were only four days until my four best friends would be back in England. There were only six more days until my due date, which meant that they would be in London, perfect.

Luckily for me, it was like the stars had aligned and everything was going to plan. Today was my last checkup before the big day, and Mary insisted on accompanying me for the appointment. We found out that Veronica had made a very brave and drunken phone call to her boss one night on the tour, which therefore meant that she was free to stay with the lads for the duration. I was so envious of her, having the confidence to do that and basically say fuck you to her work and live life to the fullest. However, I bet in a way she's envious of me as I'm pregnant. She always tells me how much she wants another child, so I'm sure we'll be greeting a third Deacon baby soon.

It wasn't long until I heard a few gentle knocks on my door, and I made my way over. I wasn't as fast anymore, and sometimes had to push my fist into my back to extinguish the tight feeling that the little baby was adorning my bones with. However, I just smiled every time as I realised that he or she is just like their mother and father, stubborn.

I swung the door open and there stood Mary, holding a bouquet of flowers and a gift bag, and wearing a beaming grin.

"Aw Mary you didn't-"

"The flowers aren't from me, but this is" She interrupted, stepping in and passing me the small bag.

"Thank you so much Mary, but who are they from" I said, nodding towards the beautiful bunch.

"Rog of course... your boo" She smirked, sticking her tongue between her teeth.

"Aw really?" I smiled.

She nodded and sat down, motioning for me to open the present. I blinked excitedly and pulled the tissue paper from the bag, to reveal a photo frame with a range of different photos in it.

"Wow- Mary How did you get all of these?" I laughed in awe, shaking my head in shock.

"I have my ways" She smirked, talking in a funny voice.

"Well your ways are amazing, this is amazing Mary, thank you so much" I grinned.

"It's fine, really. When I was pregnant I remember the amount of baby clothes I got, which was amazing don't get me wrong, but I thought it would be nice to focus on the mum for once" She nodded, and I gave her a grateful smile before looking at the pictures.

The first one that caught my eye was John and I messing about backstage. I was on his back with my chin resting on his shoulder, and I'd put his long hair over my head stupidly. Then I noticed a picture of Roger and I sharing a quick kiss against a wall, and I have to say I can't quite remember this one as it must have been from one of our many nights out. I was wearing my hat, of course, and he'd pulled the cap part towards his face to kiss me sweetly.

I smiled and looked up at her happily, and she nodded towards the frame to make me carry on.

There was a photo of me and Mott the Hoople from their first tour, then one of me and David Bowie from when they recorded Hot Space. Finally, there was a picture of Mary and I on the day the lads found out that John Reid has signed them. One of the lads must have taken it, as it was a picture of us two with the biggest grins on our faces and we were sharing a tight embrace.

"Aw Mary this is really great" I breathed in shock.

"I know, I'm amazing. Now let's go! We need to hear that baby of yours!" She hurried, and before we left I decided to take a quick look at the flowers.

They were gorgeous, and consisted of roses and gypsophila, my favourite. I pulled out the note and read it quickly.

To my Rose,
I love you so much darling. I know it's your last scan today, and although I can't be there I want you to tell me everything that happens. Even the boring stuff that I probably won't understand anyway. I want to know everything. Good luck, I can't wait to see you, sexy bum Xx

I could sense his smirk when he wrote 'sexy bum' through his handwriting, and so could Mary as she read it sneakily from behind me.

"Come on sexy bum, we'll be late" She winked, and I rolled my eyes before following after her.


"Everything sounds perfect, you are all set and it could be whenever. So I suggest you pack an emergency hospital bag just in case with a few outfits for yourself and your little one" The midwife said enthusiastically.

She took the stethoscope away from my bump and walked away after writing something down.

"Did you hear that, Rose? Everything is perfect she said, I never got a perfect. Why is your baby perfect?" She huffed jokingly beside me, but I was too enthralled by the baby bump in front of me to listen properly.

It only just hit me now. I'm doing this, I'm pregnant. There's a real life human inside me that I'm going to have to feed and look after, I can't do that. Can I? No I can't I'm not mature enough for that, I still get Roger to tape episodes of fraggle rock for me! I can't deal with that.

My breathing started to quicken, and my hand flew to my chest in stress.

"Rose.. Rose what's wrong?" Mary fretted, knocking herself out of the joking mood and rushing over to me.

"I- can't do it- I can't do it" I cried.

I don't know what came over me, but this was probably long overdue after dealing with the pregnancy alone, I just wish it didn't come so close to the due date.

"I can't d- do it" I breathed quicker and quicker.

"You can! I'm here, Rose I'm here we can help you do this" She nodded, levelling her eyes with mine.

"I n- I need Rog" I cried, shaking my head as my breathing continued to hitch.

"I'll get him then, I will. Just calm down for now, please. I will get roger, as a best friend I promise you that" She said with a determined tone, and I nodded.

She jumped onto the bed next to me and rubbed my back soothingly. I rested my head against her and continued to cry into her shoulder.

"You must think I'm such a wuss" I sniffled.

"Definitely not. This is what best friends are for" She reassured, swaying me from side to side.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now