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So we were on the road around England, and this time they actually had a tour bus and everything. It turns out that Paul, the weird guy that slapped my arse, was like the assistant to John Reid. So that meant that he is here all of the time, which also means that Roger is around me 24/7, which wasn't really a hardship for me.

Apart from Mary, nobody knew that Roger and I had certain feelings for each other, and at the moment I'd prefer to keep it that way. I don't know why, because he is such a lovely guy, but I think it might be the fact that if anything bad happened between us I would be gone. I couldn't stay with them, it would be too awkward. But what would I do then?

"You okay?" Brian asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, just thinking" I smiled and stood up to flop myself down on the tiny bunk bed. I was above Mary, and it was like year three camp all over again. Although the people weren't my friends, and they only invited me into their room to pick on me. Gosh I loved primary school.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Mary popped her head up.

"You'd need to be a millionaire to get into this brain" I groaned, rolling to face her.

"What's on your mind?" She asked seriously now.

"I don't know what to do about, you know who?" I said motioning towards the snoring drummer on the other side of the bus.

"Ahhh, so we have boy problems then?" She smirked, pulling herself up to the top bunk to sit with me.

"What's the problem? You like him he likes you, we think anyway, and you're both beautiful humans that will produce beautiful babies" She joked.

"Don't get ideas into my mind, Austin" I warned jokingly.

"But seriously now, why don't you want the lads to know?" She asked.

I looked down and twiddled with my thumbs nervously.

"Well, I don't want something bad to happen with Roger and then have them all hate me and I'll never see them again" I sighed, thinking way too far into it as usual.

"Oh my goodness are you mad? All of the boys love you more than anything, Rose. They're not going to ditch you over a little bit of romantic tension" She smirked.

"Fine, but I don't know what to do?" I huffed, throwing my head back onto the cushion.

"We're going clubbing after tomorrow's gig, you could make a move then?" She nodded cheekily, with a smile.

"Fine, but go I need my beauty sleep" I laughed, nudging her towards the end He if the bed.

"Alright whatever" She jumper down, and went to snuggle into Freddie.

I laid there for a while, watching the drummer snore with his mouth wide open. I took the opportunity and pulled out my camera and snapped a photo of him. It printed instantly and I pinned it next to the other photos of the band and I in my little scrapbook.


"Great show boys" I said to the sweating lads that entered the dressing room backstage.

"That was great lads, now let's hit the clubs" Roger smirked, nodding his head.

"Yes let's get going now to avoid the group of fans" Mary said, and the guys nodded.

We took the back exit and found the nearest club to where we were. It was small but had loads of people inside so we should have a really good time.

"I'm on drinks tonight" I said, as they all sat down in a booth.

"Aw thanks, Rose. Beer for me please" John smiled up at me and the other lads agreed.

"G and T please, Rose" Mary nodded.

"I'll help you.. with the glasses" Roger said, and I smiled as he joined me at the bar.

"It was a really good show, Rog. Even though I wasn't allowed to watch" I have him an evil glare.

"Sorry, but I'm not having a repeat of last time" He said, giving me a side hug.

Freddie's POV

"So what are we saying? A week, two weeks?" I asked the rest of the band.

"What do you mean, Fred?" Brian replied.

"Until these two darlings get together, I mean they're clearly smitten. Just look at them, they're basically shagging on the bar" I laughed.

"Well, I suppose so. Maybe not the last bit though" John replied, giving me a funny look.

"I'd say something's going to happen tonight" Mary smirked, looking down knowingly.

"What do you know, you minx?" I asked, nudging her side.

"A best friend never tells" she said, holding her heart.

"Whatever, we'll find out eventually" Brian nodded, as they came back with the drinks.

They were smiling at each other, and I had to say I'd never seen Roger look so happy. I mean we joke around in the band of course, but he's never looked so genuine.

And it was an absolutely marvellous thing to witness.

Rose's POV

I sat down and Roger took a seat next to me. One by one the other guys got up to dance, and I couldn't help but feel that Mary might have been up to something.

Lastly, she got up with Freddie and sent me a wink before heading to the dance floor.

I sent her an evil glare and Roger and I sat there quite awkwardly for a while.

"I did mean what I said the other day, you do mean so much to me you know" He said, wrapping his arm behind my head on the cushion.

"Really?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah, of course. And I know that I have my way with ladies, and you've seen that. But when I'm with you it feels completely different. I'm looking at these girls, and yes they're beautiful but then I look at you and it completely overshadows them" He said, taking a huge gulp of his beer.

The fact is, he isn't even drunk so I know that this is all completely real now.


"Wait, I know you probably don't feel the same and that scares me a bit. I think this is why I like you, because you're so cool around us. You didn't just throw yourself at us you actually got to know us for us-"


"No seriously, I really do think-"

"Roger, kiss me" I laughed.

He raised his eyebrows but gladly grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a kiss. He pulled me up and I was now sitting on his knee, his hands gripping my waist as mine were wrapped around his neck.

Little did we know that the rest of the band hadn't been dancing at all. They had been watching on from a distance and were currently clinking their glasses together in celebration.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now