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Roger slammed my back against the door, not even opening the hotel room before we started kissing passionately.

"I've missed this. Missed us" He mumbled into my neck, leaving little nibbles over my tender skin.

"Me too" I moaned, pulling his head toward my face and our lips locked.

My eyes widened when I heard footsteps coming towards the corridor, and Rogers hand fumbled for the door handle making it swing open as we stayed joined together.

We didn't even turn on the light before shutting the door and rushing over to the bed, Roger carrying me with my legs wrapped around his torso tightly.

We both landed on the bed together, him straddling over me without stopping kissing my neck.

Roger pulled my skirt down and pulled my top over my head, but as he did I noticed something move under my head. My eyes widened as the lamp next to the bed turned on and we both shot up, Roger still semi-straddling me.

"I wasn't planning on a threesome tonight guys" John huffed, and I jumped back in shock.

I quickly picked up a blanket and covered my barely covered body with it.

"No... neither were we" Roger chuckled, whilst my cheeks were turning more and more crimson.

Another light popped on and up shot Brian, making my already pink cheeks even more flustered.

"Oh god" I groaned, lying on the floor and burying myself under the blanket.

"How did I get in with this key?" Roger scoffed.

"So that's where my key went! I payed twenty quid for a new one cause I thought I'd lost mine! You stole my key" Brian huffed.

"Whoops" Roger laughed, looking at the key in his hand that clearly wasn't for his room.

I popped my head up, wrapping the blanket around my body like a towel.

"Evening" Brian wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Oh gosh, how didn't you notice" I laughed, holding my hands over my flushed cheeks.

"You were about to have sex on my bed... I'm scarred for life now, thanks guys" Deacy whined, sitting up and crossing his arms.

"I am dreadfully sorry, John. We'll choose Bri's bed next time shall we?" Roger said sarcastically.

"It would be preferred, yes" He replied, with a grin.

"I didn't agree to this, what's wrong with their bed?" Brian argued.

"We're actually arguing about where Roger and I have sex. Wow we are all too close" I giggled.

"We're close, yes. But I didn't want to see you naked really, you're like a siste-" John started, but I cut him off immediately.

"Right, that was the most traumatic experience of my life. So on that note, goodnight" I blushed, standing up.

"I need that blanket" Brian suddenly shouted.

I gave him a warning glare and he chuckled at me jokingly.

"Just kidding" He shrugged, and with that I had departed the room of chuckling boys.

"Good to have you back!" Deacy shouted behind me.

"Shut up, wanker!" I joked, popping my head back into the door.

"What's all this fuss about?" Freddie suddenly said from behind me, making me jump out of my skin in shock.

"Freddie, god you nearly killed me" I laughed, holding my thumping chest.

"Oh well I'm sorry, but I heard laughing and felt left out" He frowned.

"So you came to investigate?" I asked.

"I guess so, what are you doing?" He asked curiously, noticing my clothes on the floor and the blanket on my body.

"More like who are they doing-" Brian started, but I cut him off by throwing a remote control at his head, bouncing off his fluffy hair after whacking him in the forehead.

"Oi" He huffed, rubbing his head.

"You deserved it" I mumbled like a child, and he gave me a glare this time.

"So let me get this straight. You and Roger were about to have sex in here?... I like it darlings, how scandalous" He laughed with a huge grin, shimmying towards me.

"No! It was a misunderstanding we didn't mean to come in here" I whined, whacking my forehead against the door frame in annoyance.

"Right" Freddie dragged out, sending me a wink as though I'd planned it all along.

"No seriously Freddie, why would I plan that? It seriously was a mistake" I nodded.

"A mistake" He winked again and I gave up this time, beginning to walk back to the room.

"Where are you going?" Freddie asked.

"Well now we're all up I was going to get my pjs on so we can have a catch up in Deacy's bed?" I asked, and they all nodded.

"I feel sorry for my bed tonight, she's being exploited" Deacy fake sniffled.

"She?" Roger chuckled.

"Well I'm not sleeping on a man am I?" He said as though it was obvious.

"Well no, but-"

"Exactly, she's a girl" He nodded, patting the mattress with a grin.

Our eyebrows all furrowed in confusion. He was definitely a bit tipsy. I mean he didn't even wake up straight away after we literally fell onto him, he must have had a few drinks at least.

I rushed to get into my pjs and when I came back they were all sat on Deacy's bed chatting away. It amazes me how they are together every minute of every day, yet they still have so much to talk about. It just shows how strong their relationships are.

"She's here" Roger grinned, opening his arm for me to snuggle up next to him.

I went over and snuggled up, resting my head on his shoulder.

"It's really good to have to back, we've all really missed you darling" Freddie smiled, patting my leg.

"Me too" I mirrored his smile and snuggled further into Roger.

"How's Lizzie?" He asked, and the other lads listened in.

"She's great. She can roll over by herself now, and your mum and dad are around all of the time. She's with them now, it was their idea for me to come here. I put the photo frames up Freddie, so every time I'm changing her I can look at the pictures of us lot" I smiled happily.

"Aw, how lovely" Fred replied, giving me a beaming grin in return.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now