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The rest of the week just consisted of me desperately trying to find a job, however with my little experience and no qualifications it was becoming harder and harder.

I slouched down at my desk and began to scrawl out a letter explaining my absence and why I would be dropping out of my university. I could already see them laughing as the read the description, but I didn't care and simply wanted to forget everything about that school. I am a different person now, the old Rose would never have been so rebellious like I have.

I couldn't tell if the boys were being a good influence on me or not though. I know they didn't tell me to do this, but they have all dropped out of university now too so I suppose I felt inclined to. I don't know why, because I'm not in the band and I never will be.

However, I have this feeling that they are going to be huge. They are so different and fresh, I can see them doing festivals and gigs all over the world. However I wasn't sure if I was there with them or not. This isn't a normal thing to do, I have literally dropped everything in my life to follow an undiscovered band around like a lost puppy. Will they still want me there even when they're famous?


My toes tapped against the concrete ground outside Freddie's house. Eventually a cab rolled up, and the four members of Queen as well as Mary jumped out.

I immediately rushed over and hugged them all one by one. Yes, it has only been a week but with everything that has gone on I needed my best friends there to support me.

"Hello sunshine" Brian smiled, "how are you doing?" He asked.

I pulled my long sleeves down to cover up the bruises that remained blue and purple on my wrists.

"Fine, well I have some things to talk to you all about but they can wait" I nodded, smiling, "I'm just happy you're all back"

"Bless you, darling" Freddie kissed my cheek before walking into the house.

We all followed along and Roger and I trailed back.

"Hello, love" He said worriedly.

"Hi" I smiled, a wave of relief hitting me when he graced me with his presence.

We walked in together and we all sat down at the table. Mary's father joined us too, he is deaf which made the comment that Freddie made about Mary being a good shag extra hilarious, as he could read lips.

"Has Farrokh told you that he used to go boxing?" His mother asked.

"Farrokh? You didn't tell me your name was Farrokh, Freddie?" Mary said curiously.

"Freddie Mercury now, no looking back. Only forward" he nodded at himself in the mirror.

"So now the family name isn't good enough for him either?" His father huffed.

Brian nudged me, trying to make the scene less awkward.

"You should have seen Roger last night" he laughed.

I looked over at Roger who was talking to Kash, Freddie's sister.

"Why? What happened?" I pushed, giggling like a little school girl.

"So I come back to the hotel room later than him, and I go to get into bed" He said.

"And?" I laughed.

"Well we had to share a bed, we'd messed up the room booking"

"And?" I pushed further.

"He was asleep, only wearing boxers, hugging this massive keg of beer. Where he got it from I have no idea. Anyway, he kept kissing it and calling it Ross" He laughed.

Ross? Rose.

"No way" I laughed suddenly, slamming my hand on the table like a lunatic.

Well then the whole family looked at me, and luckily for me the awkward silence was interrupted but a phone call.

Kash got up to get it, leaving Roger chance to lean over and chat to us.

"What were you two laughing at?" He asked sceptically.

"Nothing for you, Taylor" I teased, and he huffed back into his chair.

"Phone call for Mr Freddie Mercury?" Kash mimicked, and passed the phone to Freddie.

"I like the sound of that" He grinned before taking the phone to his ear.

We continued a light chatter before Freddie made his way to the foot of the table.

"I have an announcement to make" he said confidently.

We all sat up, awaiting the news.

"We have been invited to an interview. Someone heard our demo and wants to give us a shot" He smiled.

Everyone was ecstatic, hugs and cheers could be heard throughout the house as we all celebrated the amazing news.

I rushed around the table and leaped into Rogers arms. He spun me around, and kissed my forehead. Nobody knew about Roger and I, but when we separated we were given a few odd looks from the other lads. My face flushed pink but I hid it by rushing over to Freddie and hugging him tightly.

"You're a star Fred" I smiled and everyone nodded, raising their glasses.

"No, not just me. We all are. Even you two, we wouldn't be here without you" He said motioning towards Mary and I.

"Let's get that record deal lads" John smiled, patting Brian's back excitedly.

This is the start of Queen. And there is no going back.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now