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I zipped up my bag, finally I was being discharged from the hospital. The small gurgles that Lizzie made filled the room as I hummed along to a tune. Once I'd finished packing my bag I turned to the cot where Elizabeth was, and picked her up.

She wriggled lightly as I scooped her up in my arms, making my smile even wider. Gently, I tickled my fingertips over her nose and she stuck her tongue out as she shook her head around. Baby's are so strange, and Lizzie is so lively. She definitely takes after Roger with that, and me with how long she can sleep. It's quite embarrassing actually, as it shows who the lazy one is in the couple.

I heard the door open and in came Roger, holding two cups of tea and a muffin.

"Special delivery" He grinned, and came over to me leaving a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you" I whispered, leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

"Shall we get going? I put the car seat in the mustang" He smiled, nodding.

"You only said that because you want to show off about your mustang" I grinned.

"Maybe..." He huffed.

"I know you so well" I sang, making him chuckle.

He came around beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist and holding one hand up to play with Lizzie's fingers gently as she blinked up at us.

Apparently babies can't see very well when they're born, and can only see close up things like faces and eyes. So I always try my best to watch her closely so she knows that it's me. I don't know if it's working, but I love just staring at her anyway so it doesn't bother me either way.

"We should probably go" he nodded, and I breathed in and out in reply.

As soon as we leave here, our life will never be the same again. This little baby will change our lives forever, and I'm not saying that it's a bad thing but it's going to be so strange to be responsible for more than one life now.

We exited the room after placing Lizzie in her pushchair, and switching off the light.

"Here we go" I nodded, as we walked out of the hospital and to the car.

Roger scooped her up out of the pram and she gurgled in response, which we assumed was a baby's giggle. I just watched in happiness as he strapped the baby girl into the new car seat. She squirmed around at first, but with a bit of persuasion he managed to get her into the seat in one piece.

"Ah, you getting in love or do you need daddy Roger to strap you in?" He joked, walking over to me and tickling my sides.

"I'm good thanks Daddy Roger" I giggled.

"Don't be kinky in front of the baby, Rose" He tutted jokingly.

"Shut up... I might sit in the back so I can make sure she's okay in the car" I nodded and he agreed as we both jumped in.

I spent the whole car drive watching Elizabeth sleeping, which is what she seemed to spend most of her days doing.

When we got home it was like we were walking into a different house, not only because of the new baby, but because all of our friends had decorated the living room.

Freddie was the first to jump out and celebrate, showing us the 'Welcome home Lizzie' banners that they had made for the party.

This was the best thing to come home to, my friends and my - nice - family all together before the lads left for the tour tomorrow.

The soreness was dying down, and luckily for me the party seemed to be taking my mind off it. Roger had slid off about an hour ago to take Lizzie to sleep, but he said he didn't mind as it would be the first and last time he does it until after the tour, which of course I couldn't argue with. He is so thoughtful that way.

"I'll miss you lot... again" I huffed.

Everyone else had left, so now it was just the bad and I sat on my sofa sadly.

"Well don't think about that now, love. Why don't you take your mind off it with a drink? You're finally allowed one!" John grinned, passing me a wine glass.

"I don't think I can won't it harm the breastfeeding?" I asked. It may seem blunt to some but they were my best friends, so talking about breastfeeding wasn't the most awkward thing ever.

"Oh no, Veronica has a drink every night when she was breastfeeding" John nodded, wiggling the glass towards me.

"Do you not think that's why Laura goes to sleep so quickly every night?" Brian laughed.

Johns eyes widened in shock and he pulled the wine glass away from me quickly.

"I was kidding John" Brian laughed even harder, patting the scared dad on the back.

"Don't joke about my children being drunk Bri" He breathed, holding his chest in shock.

"So can I have the drink or..." I interrupted, and he nodded before passing me the glass of wine.

"M' Lady" Deacy said poshly, and I took the glass from him.

I savoured the first sip of the alcohol, taking in the foreign taste as though I'd never tried it before.

"That was so worth the wait" I grinned, closing my eyes in happiness.

"Yeah yeah we all know what you get like when you're drunk, especially when Roger is around darling. Wait... where has roger gone, he's been upstairs for like two hours?" Freddie chuckled, gulping down some wine himself.

"Shall we go check?" I asked, and the all nodded excitedly as though I'd invited them to a quest.

I giggled before leading them up the stairs and into Lizzie's room. The first thing I saw was her snuggled up in her cot, then I spotted Roger. He was asleep on the armchair, similar to what he had done in the hospital.

"Aw so precious" John said in a squeaky voice from behind me.

"Ssshhh!" We all hissed at him, however it was way too loud as I noticed Elizabeth starting to wriggle around in her sleep. Then the cries came, as she shot her eyes open along with Rogers.

"Lets just slowly back away, he'll never know" I whispered, and they all nodded.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Brian asked, as we closed the door to the sleepy drummer and the whining baby.

"He better get used to it" I laughed as we all rushed down the stairs like naughty school children.

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