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We didn't even get to go home before going to the farm to record the new album. This meant that Mary was still at home, twiddling the ring around on her finger wondering when her fiancée would be back. On the other hand the other half of the relationship didn't seem too fazed and was more than happy to begin at once.

The people that worked on the farm were lovely people, and the rooms that we got were beautiful. Roger and I had one on the top floor with a lovely view of the fields, whereas poor John was stuck in the basement room.

They began recording songs straight away, and my favourite so far was "you're my best friend" which was written by Deacy himself.

It is such a sweet song, and you can definitely tell that John has written it, as it completely mirrors his personality.

Freddie was up late every night, playing the various pianos that were scattered over the farm.

One night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to go and listen in to one of his practices. He always tells me that I'm welcome, so I thought that I'd go and have a listen to his new ideas.

I slipped on my shoes and tiptoed out of the main house and into the recording studio. Immediately, I could hear his captivating singing voice. I didn't want to intrude and put him off, so I sat outside the door and peeked in.

Low and behold, he wasn't alone. Pricky Paul was sat across from him listening to the singer.

"Love of my life, you've hurt me" he sang.

Ah, he's written a song for Mary I assume. He continued to sing the song, and when he finished Paul stood up and sauntered over to him. I felt intrusive for spying, but something compelled me to carry on looking.

I heard them mumbling, and suddenly he leant down and kissed Freddie on the lips.

I had to stop myself from gasping loudly, and I rushed back to the room. Tiptoeing in, I laid back in bed and replayed the scene again and again in my mind.

I didn't know what to think? Was that Freddie too? I should have carried on watching to see what Freddie's reaction was. They might have had a fight or what if they continued?

I wasn't even thinking about Mary at the moment, but as soon as she entered my mind I almost cried for her. She is going to be so heartbroken if she finds out. I can't tell her obviously, I didn't even see the whole scene for goodness sake.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs, and by the long sigh I instantly knew that it was Freddie. He went into the room next to us and that was all I heard before falling into a restless sleep.


In the morning I awoke to the beautiful sounds of piano from downstairs, and there were amazing lyrics being sung over it. It was Freddie of course, singing an unknown song to me, yet it was utterly breathtaking. I even almost forgot about the previous night.

Today was a long day in the studio, which to be a supporting girlfriend and friend I sat through and endured.  The music was great however, so that made up for the lengthy session.

"Brian... play it like you wrote it" Freddie said.

Brian picked up the guitar and pulled it to his mouth so the mic would pick up his words.

"I did write it, Fred"

"I know I'm just fucking with you" Freddie joked, as he pressed the button.

"Haha funny" Brian laughed.

"Just give it more feeling, darling" Freddie asked.

"More feeling, right I got it" He replied.

"Is that okay?" Freddie asked again.

"Yep, More feeling. Roll the tape" Brian nodded.

He began his lengthy guitar solo which was absolutely amazing. When he finished Freddie pressed the mic button again.

"This is when the operatic section kicks in" he smirked cheekily, and Brian widened his eyes in disbelief.

"The operatic section" he repeated.

"Does that sound good?" Freddie said through the speaker.

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds great" Bri said, a look of shock but now happiness gracing his features.

"Right Roger, you're up" Freddie smirked, spinning his chair around to face Roger.

"Here we go" Roger breathed as he stood up.

"You're taking the operatic section, is your voice up for it?" He grinned excitedly.

"Yeah why not" Roger shrugged and took his place in the padded box.

"So let's try it" Freddie nodded.

For the next few minutes I swear that Roger had reversed puberty. His voice was higher than mine would ever be able to go as he sang his section.

"Higher" John said, raising his pen to signal Roger.

"If I go any higher only dogs will hear me" Roger said, opening his arms in defeat.

"Just try"

He shrugged and sang his part again, "Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Figaro"

Freddie shook his head and made Roger repeat the part over three times.

"My balls feel like they're in my chest have we done yet?" Roger asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

In the background I could hear Freddie aligning the different recordings together, to create an amazing mix of melodies.

"It's fabulous" Freddie grinned, his vision was coming to life before his eyes.

I held a thumb up to Roger and he sighed in relief.

The next week was spent working on bohemian rhapsody but I had to say it was completely worth it. When they finally played it back it was a mix of rock and opera with various attributes and sections. It truly is a masterpiece.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now