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With the excitement, the week seemed to fly by and the wedding was tomorrow. The plans were done and the trip down to Liverpool was now the task at hand. I still had no clue where we were going to get married, we have done so many things in Liverpool that I can't even begin to imagine where the wedding will be.

We were all travelling down in the van, which Roger has owned since he sold the previous one for the first album. It has a lot of sentimental value, obviously, and it was great that we still had it to this day. Roger was driving, with me riding shotgun and the other two in the back. Anita, Mary and Veronica were coming down alone, with the babies.

"Keep yourself alive! Keep yourself alive, all you people keep yourself alive!" I sang, swaying side to side happily.

"Is that your favourite, love?" Roger asked, chuckling as I sang along terribly to the song.

"I would say so, but I do love 'Save Me' too" I nodded, and the lads grinned along knowingly.

"Yeah, that's a classic. I do love '39 though" Brian added.

"Only because you wrote and sang it" John argued, scoffing.

"Well what's your favourite then?" Brian laughed.

"I like Another one bites the dust" Deacy shrugged.

"Oh really? The one that you wrote?" Roger added sarcastically.

"Well Yes But I don't sing so-"

"Thats not the point" Brian pushed further.

"Come on children, let's not fall out" I warned.

We stayed quiet for a few more hours, only having the odd small conversation. The journey was very long and we were all knackered from the travelling.

"Any need on Fred?" I asked, yawning,

"I don't think he's going to make it, but Mary said that she's going next week to see him anyway" Roger gave me a sympathetic look.

"I wish he was here, I've missed him so much" I pouted and he rubbed my thigh with his hand.

"He'll be back soon, hopefully" Roger nodded, leaning over to give me a quick peck on the cheek before returning his focus to the road.


"This is beautiful" I enthused, entering the gorgeous hotel room.

The room was huge, and had a four poster bed covered in rose petals and two bottles of champagne decorated the table.

"Are you feeling okay?" Roger asked, holding my waist from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Better than ever" I breathed, reaching my hand up to play with his hair from behind.

He left kisses on my neck and I closed my eyes happily, taking the chance to turn and move his tender kisses to my lips.

His hands roamed down to my lower back, lifting up my top so his fingertips grazed my skin lightly. My arms had draped around his neck, his long blond hair tickling my forearms as they pulled me closer to him.

I rested my forehead agains his for breath and he continued to kiss my jawline and neck.

"Rog" I moaned, almost inaudible.

"I love you, Rose" He mumbled, moving back up to my lips, holding his hand against my jaw to deepen the kiss.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the hotel and the kiss was instantly broken. They entered without us even opening the door, and it turned out to be John and Brian.

"Hey up you two, are you decent?" Brian asked, chuckling to himself.

"Well I'm glad we are as you just waltzed in uninvited" I laughed, scoffing lightly.

"Well if we were any later I think that Brian and I would have had a rather scarring image in our eyes. Look at Rogers mouth" John pointed out, looking at the drummers face,

We all looked and he had red lipstick smudged over his lips, as did I which I discovered by looking in the mirror. Both of our cheeks got pinker but we shrugged it off.

"Your hotel room is mad, so beautiful" John complimented, looking around at the stark white bedroom.

"Isn't it just? I can't wait for tomorrow" I grinned, as I hung my covered dress on the back of the door.

"Neither can I, I'm glad it's only a small reception. More intimate" Roger nodded and I smiled at his comment.

"Who are you and what have you done with Roger Taylor?" Brian joked, and we all rolled our eyes at the recycled phrase.

"Shut up, you know how you felt before you got married, just have a bit of empathy mate" Roger joked, nudging his best man.

"Fair enough, but I'd get the divorce papers ready now so you can do it straight away" Brian winked at us.

"That's a good idea actually" I teased, giving Brian a smile.

"Oh, I'll just take the wedding gifts and the venue back then shall I?" He teased back, hugging me and pulling me down onto the couch to sit on his lap.

"Have you worked out where it is yet?" Roger asked curiously, bouncing his legs so my body jigged uncontrollably with every move.

"Nope, it could be at the market or the bandstand where you proposed. We did so many things over the years I can't begin to guess" I shrugged.

"Good, more of a surprise" He grinned and squeezed my side.

He pulled off my hat and placed it on his head, before turning me around so he could kiss my lips sweetly.

"We get that you two are all loved up, but can we leave the unnecessary cuteness for tomorrow please?" John laughed.

"You've got your girl, Deacy. Why don't you go elsewhere and leave us to it?" Roger joked, wiggling his brow at the bassist.

"Ha ha, very funny. Just wait until you see my dang moves tomorrow, Rose. Then you'll be moving onto this guy" John said jokingly, winking at me.

"I don't think Veronica would approve" I pouted, over exaggerating as I walked over to him.

"We will do it in secret!" He said dramatically, picking me up and running around the hotel room.

I laughed uncontrollably until we reached a stop and flopped onto the bed.

"Deacy, don't touch my girl again" Roger said, pretending to act mad and square up to bassist.

We all laughed and I dragged roger down onto the bed, and Brian soon joined as he catapulted himself onto the mattress.

"God I wish Freddie was here too" I sighed, as all of our heads touched in the middle, almost like the album cover for Sheer Heart Attack.

"Yeah, me too" Roger breathed, taking my fingertips in his and passing on the same tingles and excitement he had blessed me with from the first time we touched.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now