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"I want to break free"

My shoulders jigged as I tried to suppress my laughter watching the lads dance around in drag.

They all looked amazing, and the fact that Freddie still had a moustache was even funnier.

Rogerina had made an appearance again, and she looks better than ever. They were all dressed up as coronation street characters, with Roger being a school girl. He ended up looking prettier than me, which was definitely a worry.

Obviously it was the perfect opportunity for Polaroid's, so I snapped as many pictures as I could of the four boys, even getting one of John slapping Rogers arse.

Once they were wrapped, Roger came over to me wearily and slumped into his chair.

"Hey Rogerina" I joked, pulling a chair next to him,

"I've missed you" he groaned, intertwining my fingers in his.

"I've been here the whole time" I giggled, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"But I couldn't kiss you or anything, it's been murder" He huffed, kissing the back of my hand that was wrapped around his.

"Roger, get a grip man" I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What are you going to do when I give birth and can't come to these tours and parties with you?" I laughed.

"I won't go either?..." He said as though it was obvious.

"Roger, you can't miss your own tours" I replied bluntly.

"I suppose you're right" he shrugged.

"But let's not think about that now, I've still got nine months to worry about these things" I nodded.

"Why what's happening in 9 mon-" John started, sneaking up behind us, but realised what he was saying and smiled.

"John, don't tell anyone only Brian and Chrissie know. It hasn't been six weeks yet" I warned.

"My lips are sealed, but congratulations!" He shouted, getting the attention of Freddie.

"Ooh What are we celebrating?" He asked, strutting over in his heels.

"Oh god" I shook my head, resting my head in my hands.

I felt movement behind me, and whipped my head up to see Roger mouthing 'she's pregnant' to Freddie. Slapping him, I gave him a disapproving look and returned my gaze to Freddie.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited about it" He grinned, enthusiastically.

"Well so am I But what if something happens now? They all know I'm up the duff and will have to tell them if something goes wrong" I stressed, and the three lads gave me a sad look.

"But you shouldn't be thinking like that, you should be positive darling" Freddie soothed.

"I know, but there's always that possibility" I nodded.

They all nodded in return and promised not to tell anyone about the pregnancy.


"Congratulations!!" Mary and Freddie came around to ours.

He had told Mary, how wonderful.

As I hugged Mary I glared at Freddie, who returned with an apologetic glance.

"Yes. Well we were going to keep it a secret until 6 weeks, but baring in mind that everyone I care about knows now, I guess everyone can know" I rolled my eyes, giggling.

"Well, Freddie rang me last night and I could tell that he was trying to tell me something, so I said spit it out and he told me. Honestly, he's terrible" she recalled as though he wasn't there.

"I'm still here, darling. And I am sorry Rose, but I get so excited about babies I could hardly help it" He apologises, and I nodded understandingly before hugging him.

"Well have you thought of any names?" Mary asked as we made our way to the living room.

Roger pulled me next to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Not really, I'm only three weeks I think so it hasn't really sunk in yet" I admitted, nodding up at Roger.

"I do like the name Porsche" Roger nodded, and we all gave him a funny look.

"Porsche? You want to name our first child Porsche?" I asked.

"It's my favourite car" he mumbled.

"That's a definite no, sorry babe" I laughed, nudging his side.

"Fair enough" He huffed, squeezing my side playfully.

"Have you got any wedding plans sorted?" Mary asked.

"We want to get married in England, somewhere that we both love, hopefully" I nodded.

"I have a few ideas, just need to get the right connections" Roger smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Ooh tell me" I giggled, bouncing onto his knee.

"I can't, if they don't work I don't want you to be disappointed, love" He said, and I nodded understandingly.

"Oh Fine" I scoffed, and he kissed my head.

"You two are so cute, I can't bare it" Freddie said, giving us a grin.

"Why thank you Freddie, you can be my head bridesmaid if you'd like" I joked, nudging him with my foot gently.

"Oh I would be honoured" He pretended to curtsy and held his hand over his heart.

We all laughed as the singer almost fell over before flopping back onto the sofa next to me, grabbing my legs and pulling them onto him.

"What are you doing?" I asked, giving him a strange look.

"Pregnant ladies like to have their feet massaged, don't they?" He asked, and Mary slapped her hand over her face.

"Yes, but maybe when they're a bit bigger and they're actually having feet problems" I laughed.

"Well sorry, I haven't got a woman pregnant now have I?" He asked obviously.

"Well no but-"

"Well then take the foot massage and be grateful, dear" He grinned, starting to rub my feet.

"I'll give you a massage later if you want" Roger whispered into my ear, but he didn't mean the normal kind of massage.

"We all heard that, Roger" Mary cringed, and sipped her drink in disgust.

My cheeks flushed a crimson shade profusely, and they all laughed at my expression.

"Sorry" Roger chuckled, sending Mary an apologetic look.

"I mean, due to Rose's current state I think we all knew that you give each other a few massa-" Freddie started.

"Oh god can we move on" I cringed, interrupting the chuckling man.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now