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"I love it" Brian nodded.

"Why queen?" I asked curiously.

"It's just a name, but it's very regal obviously, and it sounds splendid. It's a strong name, very universal and immediate" he stated passionately.

"Wow, I don't think you can argue with that?" I said in shock.

"Nope, Queen sounds amazing" Roger smiled and gave me an excited squeeze.

"We're going to be famous, I can already see it lads" John smiled.

And famous they would be, sooner than they first expected.


"Guess what lads! And Rose, sorry" Brian said excitedly.

"Go on" Roger pushed.

"I have got us a few gigs in Glasgow, and apparently they're selling out fast already" He grinned.

"No way, this is massive guys" I enthused.

"This is fantastic Bri, how?" Roger asked, jumping up quickly.

"I am Brian May, king of connections" He laughed.

The four lads almost engulfed each other in a huge hug. I rushed over and jumped in too, along with Mary.

"Although we have to go now, so let's get our stuff packed and go!" Brian rushed.


We were all huddled into Rogers van and we were almost buzzing with excitement.

However, our luck changed drastically when suddenly the van started bumping around on road with every turn of the tyres.

"Oh fuck bugger shit fucking shitting car" Roger slammed on the wheel and pulled over.

We all jumped out to see that the back right tyre had in fact burst, and now it was up to the four lads to fix it.

"Go on John" Freddie nominated.

"Whatever" John huffed and got down, beginning to twist the bolts of the wheel.

"It's counter clockwise I think you'll find, John" Brian teased.

"Oh is it really Brian, well do you want to come and do it? Please feel free" He groaned back.

Roger groaned, "we sold out every bar and uni in the south of Glasgow, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere eating a ham sandwich"

"At lease it's a nice sandwich" I added, he nodded but still got annoyed.

"We're just not thinking big enough, darlings" Freddie popped his head out of the van door.

"And what would you suggest?" Brian sighed.

"An album" He smiled widely.

"And how are we going to afford that?" John asked.

"Well, we could start with the van" He smirked at Roger.

"What? No!" He argued.

"You won't be complaining when we have a number one selling album will you Rog?" He punched his arm.

"You definitely will not be" I giggled.

"Let's go then" Roger said in defeat.


"I sound like shit don't I?" Freddie groaned.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now