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Omg I'm no

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Omg I'm no.2 in between my two favourite Roger stories in #RogerTaylor actually cant believe it! So honoured thank you guys so much. And thanks to Staceeeeers and drowseroger for making amazing books for me to have sleepless nights reading :P xx

I awoke the next morning and despite my whole body aching, I had never woken up so happy.

The light was still off and the sun was only just beginning to rise, shining through the cheap nylon curtains on the window.

However I'd never been so happy to have cheap curtains, because the light was shining over Roger, who had fallen asleep on the chair next to Elizabeth's cot.

I decided it was time to move about so I stood up, wincing as I walked towards her cot. She was fast asleep and her wrapped up body was rising and falling as she breathed. I brushed my fingertips over her blonde hair and she gurgled in her sleep. My smile only grew wider as she squirmed around in her deep sleep, she must take after me with my heavy sleeping.

Suddenly, she began to stir and I could sense some tired cries coming, so I scooped her up and went back over to the bed. I bounced her up and down, however she continued to squirm. Here it comes, she's going to cry and wake Roger up I can feel it.

"Please don't" I whispered, but I could see her bottom lip quivering,

Then it came. An almighty wail echoed through the room, and Roger instantly shot up in shock and rushed over to the cot, which of course Lizzie wasn't in.

"Sorry Roger" I groaned, and he shrugged in response when he realised I had her.

He came over and reached out his arms.

"May I?" He called over the cries.

"Go ahead" I gave in, passing him the tiny baby.

As he rocked her she instantly stopped crying. Rude. However, it was a very pure and adorable sight to witness.

"You're the baby whisperer, Rog" I laughed, leaning my head back into the pillow tiredly, shortly joined by Roger who squished up next to me.

I turned to look at him and he shrugged in response.

"Your beds comfier than mine?" He whispered, motioning over to the armchair.

"Aw I can't believe you slept on that all night" I pouted, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"To be fair I was planning on sneaking in with you, but I fell asleep watching Lizzie" He said sheepishly, and my heart melted even more.

"That is officially the cutest thing you have ever done for me" I smiled.

"What? Abandoned you to watch our daughter?" He laughed.

"Yes, it's adorable" I grinned, which he reciprocated.

A few hours later we had the three boys knocking at our door, wanting to see us yet again. I'm telling you, they've been here more than Winifred and Michael, which is saying something as they check on us every few hours.

"Come in" I laughed, shouting over at the door.

"How's my little Lizzie doing" Freddie grinned, coming in holding a little pink bag.

"Fabulous, thank you Fred" I smiled, as he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"Well, I've got this for her, bought it this morning. I wanted to wait to see if she was a girl or a boy before I bought a gift" He grinned proudly, and passed me the bag.

The other two were already wrapped up in a conversation with Roger, and he even managed to convince Deacy to hold Lizzie for the first time.

"Did you bring this for an excuse to see her again? Maybe I shouldn't have had a child, she's stealing my best friend" I fake pouted, and he laughed before squishing up to me and wrapping his arm over my shoulders.

"You'll always be my best friend, Rose. But for now, just open the bloody gift darling" He chuckled, and I elbowed him lightly before tucking into the gift.

When I pulled it out my heart melted even more. It was a frame that had a pink love heart in the centre, with the name Lizzie written in it. Then around the heart, there were pictures of us all holding her, including the whole band and Winifred and Michael. It was so perfect.

"Oh gosh this is beautiful, Freddie" I breathed in awe.

"It is isn't it? I spent so long convincing you to take a photo with her" He sighed, giving me a side hug as we looked at the pictures.

"Freddie..." I started, and he looked down at me to carry on.

"Yes, darling?" He nodded.

"Would you be Lizzie's godfather? I haven't asked Roger but I'm sure he wouldn't object" I smiled.

"Really? Why of course I would, What a silly question. Thank you so much, Rose" He grinned ecstatically and gave me an even bigger hug than before.

"What was that?" Roger shot his head up.

"I just asked Freddie to be godfather" I smiled.

"But I just asked these two to be godfather..." His eyes widened in shock.

"Well then, we have three godfathers" I laughed, and they all cheered.

Unfortunately, their cheering caused the little baby to burst into a fit of tears and start squirming uncontrollably in Deacy's arms.

"See! This is why I should not hold other peoples babies" He said, passing her back over to Roger.

"It wasn't your fault, Deacy calm down" I laughed, talking over the crying baby.

I longed to have her close to me at all times, but I had to say that watching Roger look after her so well cake in a close second. I can already tell that she's going to be a daddy's girl for sure.

Before long, he managed to calm her down and we were all squashed into my hospital bed, talking quietly to prevent waking her.

"When we getting the cab then?" Brian asked suddenly, and we all furrowed our brows in confusion.

"Cab? What cab?" I asked.

"We need to be in London tonight for the gig, luckily we only need to get a cab it's just down the road" He shrugged.

"Oh god yeah, the tour. For a moment I forgot that even happened" I sighed with a disappointed frown.

"At least we're in England I guess? I can come back here straight after" Roger assured, holding my hand in his.

"But then you'll be in Germany, and Hungary and France and Spain-" I reminded, but he cut me off.

"We went through this didn't we Rose? You'll be absolutely fine. She was born on the 9th July, almost perfect for the plan. It's the 11th now, so we have two nights of shows in London, then Manchester on the 16th. That gives us three more days in London, you'll be home by then" He reassured and I nodded in agreement.

"I know, just ignore me. It just feels weird, it was hypothetical before, now it's a reality" I nodded.

"We'll be back before you know it, and then we'll have all of the time in the world" Freddie chimed in, hugging me again.

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