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Roger and I ended up having a very lovely night. And in the morning I awoke to the smell of burnt bread.

I pulled on his button up shirt with my underwear, and sauntered into the kitchen where I heard him swearing at something.

"Rog?" I giggled, leaning my head against the door frame as I watched him suck his finger after burning his finger on the toast.

"I really tried, okay? But I'm shit at this" He huffed, stuffing another plate of black bread into the bin.

I walked over to him and gave him a massive hug. He even seemed a bit shocked at the sudden embrace.

"I'll do the toast, you dick head" I nudged him.

"Ooh cooking in your underwear" He smirked, sitting at the table.

"It's not really cooking, Rog. I think you might need lessons" I laughed, popping some bread into the toaster.

"Why don't you teach me?" He asked.

"I didn't mean me. I can't cook for shit" I said raising my eyebrows.

The new toast popped up and I spread butter on it before sitting opposite the blond drummer.

I rested my feet on his legs and took a bite of the crunchy toast.

"You look sexy in my shirt, love" He said, also taking a bite of his toast.

"I know" I smirked, and he tickled my foot in response.

"When's the tour then?" I asked, still munching away at the food.

"Next month, so I hope you're packed, I know you take ages with stuff like that" He chuckled and I kicked him lightly with my foot.

Suddenly something hit me, I didn't go back to Brian's last night, he might be wondering where I am.

"Shit, I am so forgetful" I groaned.

"What?" He laughed.

"I didn't tell Brian that I wouldn't be back at his yesterday, he might be worried" I said.

"But he saw you with me, I think he'll know what we got up to, babe" he chuckled with his gruff morning voice.

"Exactly my point" I teased.

"Shut up" He said, pushing my legs off his thighs.

"I need to go sort some stuff out anyway, find some cheap flats or something" I shrugged, standing up and taking our plates to the sink.

I went into his room and got back into my clothes from yesterday.

Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I've been thinking" he started.

"Go on" I pushed his point.

He spun me around to face him, and stabilised me before I fell over.

"Why don't you move into my flat? I mean, with the money I might be getting from this tour I should be set to cover rent. And you're technically my girlfriend now. What do you say?" He asked hopefully, his hands still wrapped around my waist.

"I mean- yes of course" I smiled.

"Great" he kissed my forehead before placing my hat on my head.

"Let's go get the boxes" He smiled, and hand in hand we walked to his car.


"I'm going to miss having you here to boss me around" Brian said, a fake pout on his face.

"Aw Bri, you're my best mate so don't worry, when we're all on tour I'll be there to annoy you every. Single. Day" I tapped his nose with the last three words.

"I know, you two go and have fun. Not too much though, just chill before the tour" he said, before waving us both off.

"Don't worry we will" Roger said sarcastically, and squeezed my side making me wiggle around from the sudden action, and nearly dropping the box I was carrying.

"See ya, Bri" I waved, and we had finally got all the boxes in Rogers boot.

Driving back to his was exciting, as it was the first time I was walking in to my joint flat with Rog.

So much shit has happened over the last few years, but it has only made us stronger in all honesty. Some people will have seen Roger kissing that other girl and run straight away. But I could tell that it was just a mistake, and it's better that it happened before we were a couple in my opinion.

We finally got back to his flat and we began bringing in the boxes. I only had a few, as the furniture wasn't too expensive and I left it for the next owners.

He even cleared out part of his wardrobe for me, what a legend. Eventually I had put all my stuff away and we were chilling on the couch.

I was snuggled into Rogers chest and we had a blanket wrapped around us both. I had my head resting on his chest as it rose and fell with his breathing, which kept making me fall in and out of sleep.

I think we both must have fallen asleep on the couch, because in the middle of the night I felt myself getting carried somewhere, and I could only imagine that it was into the bedroom. When I felt the soft cushioned feeling of the mattress it confirmed my theory, and it felt even better when Roger got in next to me and wrapped his muscular arm around me. I pretended to stir in my sleep and I moved around to get deeper in his embrace, intertwining my legs in his so we were as close as possible.

Something about this man just makes me feel so safe, and I never wanted whatever we had to end.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now