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Thank you endlessly to Serenlou2006 for giving me the idea for this chapter, been suffering from some serious writers block :(


I stirred around the cups of tea and carried them into the living room where Winnie and Michael were sat. They came around regularly to keep me company and help me to look after Lizzie. Obviously, it was my first time being a mother so I needed the guidance of an experienced one to help me.

"Oh thank you dear, could you pop it on the side?" Winnie asked, as she was cradling Elizabeth in her arms.

"Of course" I smiled, passing Michaels his and placing ours on the coffee table.

"I never did ask, how did you come up with the name Elizabeth?" She asked, playing with Lizzie's hands as she slept.

"It was Freddie's idea, it reminds him of the Queen you see, and well what better way to honour our Queen and our favourite band?" I smiled, looking down at my little girl happily.

"Ooh yes, trust Freddie to think of something so beautiful" She laughed, rolling her eyes.

"I know, he's the best" I grinned.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, completely catching me off guard.

"Must be the postman?" I said with a confused glance, before jumping up to open the door.

When I did however, I'd never wished for a bill from the postman more in my life.

"Mum? Dad?" I asked, extremely shocked at their presence.

"Well aren't you going to invite us in?" My mother asked with a smile. Oh, so now she's joking.

"This is unexpected" I said, opening the door wider to let them in.

They both shuffled in and walked right into the living room without a hug or even taking their shoes off. They haven't changed then.

"Oh Winifred how lovely to see you!" I heard my mother's muted greeting through the door, making me want to smash my head against it in anger.

Why are they here? I never invited them, we all saw how that ended last time.

I plucked up the courage to follow after them, and when I saw Winifred and Michaels dumbfounded expressions, I knew it wasn't just me going crazy at the pairs uninvited arrival.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked bluntly, there was no need for formalities after all, not after last time.

"We wanted to see Eliza of course" My father said with a fake grin.

"It's Lizzie for short actually" Michael chimed in, and I grinned. 1-0 to the Taylors.

"Ah , don't you think Eliza is a bit more-"

"No I don't actually, I love the name Lizzie. Freddie chose it and it's perfect" I nodded, not even letting him finish his sentence.

"Can I hold her?" My mum changed the subject and Winifred handed Lizzie over to her warily.

"She is gorgeous" She complimented, smoothing out the baby's hair gently.

"She is isn't she?" I smiled, looking over her shoulder at my little girl.

"What's her middle name?" My dad asked, and my stomach sank.

"It's Winifred actually" I said awkwardly, and my mother's face dropped.

"I didn't know that" Winnie grinned up at me, but Michael gave her a warning glare.

"I see" my mother said, passing her to me.

"It's nothing against you mum, it's just Roger really-" I stressed, not wanting to offend her.

"No, I understand" she nodded.

"Good, I don't want you to be upset" I said, sitting down with Elizabeth who was snuggling up to me for warmth.

"I understand that you see her as more of a motherly figure than me" She said with a salty tone, and my eyes widened.

"No, that's not fair-" Michael tried to defend, but it didn't work.

"I think it's perfectly true" She nodded.

"Well maybe it is. They accept me for me and I didn't need a degree to impress them. Hell, I don't even have a job and they like me more than you. They say I'm good for their son, even though he's a multi millionaire and I'm worth nothing. Do you know why mum?" I asked, passing Lizzie to Michael and standing up.

"Why?" She spat.

"Because they don't just look for money. The Taylor's have taken me in like their own, all because you only cared about my occupation rather than my happiness" I retaliated, finally rising up to my mother.

"Well, I only wanted what was best for you" She shoved her arms over her chest in anger.

"What's best for me? I have What's best for me. A loving family, a husband and a beautiful little girl. Occupation aside, you didn't even attend my wedding" I added.

"We has a business trip" My father chimed in, and I gave him a deadly glare.

"If you were only bothered about money, you would be loving the fact that I'm in love with a famous rockstar. So what is it? Eh? Why do you still not accept me? How are you so cold hearted that you can't just love your daughter?" I asked.

My mother just took one look at me and whipped her hand across my face, leaving an instant red slap mark on my tender skin. Immediately, my hand flew to my cheek in pain and I gave her a shocked glance.

"Right! Get out, now!" Winifred shouted, standing up to chase the pair from my house.

My mother didn't even say sorry before they made their way to the exit.

"And do not come around here again! Nobody treats my family like that you bitch!" Winifred called after them.

I rushed over to Winnie and gave her the biggest hug after she'd closed the door, and she gladly accepted my shaking frame into her motherly embrace.

"You're okay love, you don't need them" She soothed, rubbing my hair.

"Thank you" I said.

Even I was too shocked for tears, which was astonishing as I cry about everything.

"Winnie! Darling! The baby has been sick on me" I heard Michael huff from the living room.

Oh god, yet another disaster to be solved.

"I'll sort him out, you go get a relaxing bath honey" She smiled, pushing me up the stairs gently towards the bathroom.

This is not how I thought my Thursday afternoon would go, I can assure you.

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