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"Nope, I won't allow you to sell your body for men to look at" My father said sternly, and the rest of us rolled our eyes into the backs of our heads.

"I'm not a prostitute! It's not like that, dad. It was wedding dress modelling, I would be fully clothed" I said, shaking my head at Roger who sent me a sympathetic look.

"I won't allow it" He said, and my blood began to boil.

"Well you haven't been in my life for the last few years and my decisions have been good so far, I'm doing it end of" I said.

The fact that I was standing up to my family was a big advancement, especially in front of the Taylors.

"She'll be great Mr Thomas, I have only just met your daughter but she seems like a very bright a self asserted young lady, she wouldn't do anything stupid, would you love?" Michael defended me.

These two people have been more supportive over me and my life than my parents have ever been. Doesn't that say something?

"If I do say so myself, Sir. I think you might be a little bit too controlling over Rose" Roger said, and I squeezed his hand tightly, trying to stop him.

"Excuse me?" My mother asked, her shocked face coming out.

"Both if you are very controlling, which can be good to some extent but she is a beautiful woman that steers me in the right direction most of the time. She basically helped manage the band to success, helping us with songs and recruiting members. She has done so much more than you give her credit for" He said to my parents, who were utterly astounded.

"Well, I see where we stand then. Is this correct Rose? Are we too controlling?" He asked, staring me down.

"W-Well I-" I started, But my mother interrupted.

"Come on Martin, we are going" My mother said, cutting me off.

"What, why?" I asked, as they stood up.

"We tried so hard tonight, but we see how it is" She nodded, and they pulled their coats on angrily.

"Mum, Roger is right. You maybe controlling and assertive but you're still my mum and we haven't spoken for years. What was this about forgiveness and moving forward?" I asked, standing up.

"That's out of the window, come on Jennifer" My dad said, rushing her out.

"So are you coming to the wedding?" I asked, a few laughs becoming suppressed in my throat.

It wasn't that I was happy to see them flee from the house, but I had to say the scene of my father becoming red in the face and stumbling around to get his shoes on did make me chuckle. As well as my mother trying to ignore the fact that I am completely right in this situation.

"I have a business trip" He said, going towards the door.

"A business trip... for a dress shop? Owned by you, and only you?" I asked, a giggle leaving my lips.

"Yes, terribly sorry love we completely forgot. We will see you soon" My mother said trying to be polite.

"Do you know what mum?" I started, opening the door so they could leave.

"Yes?" She asked, a fake smile plastered over her features.

"I don't think you will" I smiled, before closing the door in their face and pushing the chain along so they were fully locked out.

Immediately, laughter poured from my lungs and the three blondes rushed in to see what the commotion was.

"What was that?" I laughed, and they all shrugged.

"No offence love, but your family are bonkers" Roger said.

"Bonkers? Bloody mental more like" I corrected, hugging him from the side.

"I'm sorry for inviting them, it's all my fault" He groaned.

"No don't worry, it actually secured my hypothesis" I began.

"What's that hun?" Winifred asked in her sweet voice.

"That my family are pricks" I added, shocked at myself for swearing in front of Rogers parents.

"I like her already, Roger" Michael started jokingly, and high-fived me with a chuckle.

"Good, I'm really glad" Roger grinned, tickling my side making me laugh immediately.

"I just wish we would have met earlier so I could have helped you with the wedding plans!" Winifred pouted, wiggling my hands around.

"I know mum, it's just always been overlapped with timings that's all, I wanted to have a proper meal not just a quick chat" He nodded.

"Yeah, Sorry for ruining that by the way" I cringed.

"Get away, it was quite entertaining really" Michael said honestly, and laughed in my direction.

"Dad" Roger warned.

"No Rog, it's fine, it was rather amusing wasn't it?" I giggled, and they both laughed in return.

"Does he think you want to be a prostitute or does he just buy weird magazines that only consist of naked women?" Winifred winked at me jokingly, and I shook my head in return.

"I don't know, but I really don't care" I said, finally feeling free from my parents constant grip on my shoulder. I may not have spoken to them for years, but with every article and tabloid I always pictured their reaction to it. Now I know that they don't give a shit, I can rest easy.

"Is that true about Brian and John too? Yeah sorry, I was eavesdropping when you had the private chat, wanted to make sure they weren't being mean to you" Roger said.

"Yeah, Freddie isn't here and they're my two best mates, after you of course, but you can't give me away to yourself can you?" I asked laughing.

"I guess not, but I think that's a great idea" He nodded, giving me a tight hug with a kiss on the forehead.

"Eee, Michael look at the time! We need to be off, but it's been a pleasure to meet you, see you at the wedding in two weeks!" Winifred grinned excitedly, giving me a tight hug.

"Yes! Its been lovely meeting you, thank you for being understanding about the circumstances. I will see you at the wedding" I beamed, hugging them both before they left.

"What a night" Roger breathed into my hair.

"Tell me about it" I sighed, resting my head agains his beating chest.

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