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"I bought the two houses, Mary is thrilled. There's even a room for each of the cats" Freddie said enthusiastically as he sipped the spirit that filled his glass.

"That's great, Fred. I hope you'll invite me round" I poured jokingly.

"Of course, darling. Anything for you" He smiled.

We all chatted in the VIP section for a while, and after the world tour it was really nice to just unwind and relax.

"I have been thinking about cutting my hair" Freddie announced to me.

"Go for it" I nodded in response.

"And I mean, short hair with a moustache. I think it will look rather delightful on me don't you think?" He asked, stroking his lightly stubble covered chin.

"I'm sure it would, you're Freddie Mercury, you can dress or do your hair however you like and you look fabulous" I complimented, patting his shoulder.

From all of the drinking I was beginning to feel rather nauseous, but it was mainly a dizzy spell rather than feeling sick. I decided to carry on though, after all this was my idea and I can't be the lightweight.

We had ordered a rack of shots, all different flavours of vodka. Of course I had to try them all, it would be incredibly rude of me not to.

"Slow down, Rose" Roger whispered in my ear.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine! Join in, here!" I passed him a shot, a few drips spilling and falling onto his leather jeans.

"Whatever" He shrugged, and clinked a shot glass against mine and we both downed them together.

"Come on" I smiled, pulling him over to the main floor to dance.

"Come on lads!" I shouted over to the other three and, apart from Freddie, they both rolled their eyes and dragged themselves up.

I grabbed one of John and Brian's hands in each of mine and spun myself around, ending in a drunken tangle of people.

"God Rose, you're legless" John said, holding his plastic cup of beer.

I just gave him a slurred laugh and they shook their heads in amazement. I continued to walk through the crowded floor, their hands still intertwined in mine, to find Roger and Freddie. We eventually bumped into them and we all danced rather awkwardly in a circle.

Club dancing is the worst, because you either have to be drunk or have no worries to properly get into it. Luckily we were all pretty intoxicated, which meant we all eventually got into it.

Roger grabbed me and held his hands around my lower back, whilst I wrapped mine around his neck lazily. We swayed in time to the music, and I occasionally turned around to grind against him.

This is exactly what I mean. Imagine doing this sober? Well not me anyway.

He spun me back around and pulled me into a long and passionate kiss, and I pressed my hands against his chest to lean in deeper. His hands roamed further down to my arse and his touch sent tingles all over my skin. We pulled away for milliseconds of breath before rejoining again. This is what I mean, about how we used to be. Maybe we hadn't grown old too quickly after all.

"I love you" I whispered breathlessly as we pulled apart, resting our foreheads together.

His hands still caressed my waist and mine were now back around his neck for the maximum closeness.

"I love you so much more it's unreal" He breathed back.


"What do you think?" Freddie asked, turning around to face Roger and I.

"It's gayer?" Roger answered sceptically.

Freddie has gone through with the hair and moustache idea, and I have to he actually looked very handsome.

"Not this! The house!" He said, motioning towards his face and then the house.

It was magnificent. Every ceiling was extremely high, and each ceiling had a crystal chandelier hanging decadently from the centre.

"It's marvellous" I commented, exploring the house whilst he talked to Roger.

It was truly beautiful, and although I would never want anything this grand or large, it was making me excited for Roger and I's first house together.

"Rose, darling!" Freddie shouted, and I walked through to find the two boys.

"Yes, Fred?" I asked, leaning around the door frame.

"Stay for dinner, both of you. I know that there isn't a table, but the floor is so clean we could eat off that" He laughed, and I could tell that he was feeling immensely lonely.

"Of course we will" I said, and Roger gave me a side eye.

"We can't.. We're actually viewing a house tonight. I wanted to keep it a surprise but thanks for ruining it mate" He joked at Freddie.

"What!?" I asked excitedly, and he just nodded happily. I squealed and jumped into his arms.

"I'll tell you about it in the car" He said, and I kissed his cheek.

"Congratulations, another time though?" Freddie asked, and I could tell that he was quite saddened by the response.

"I promise we'll come soon" I nodded, hugging him before we left to go to the car.

I held Rogers hand all the way to the house, which wasn't too far away but seemed like a whole different part of the world. It was still in the middle of London, but was more secluded than before. The house was stunning, with ivy growing over the brick and the windows were old fashioned and painted white.

"Oh Roger... it's so stunning. How did you find this?" I asked, leaving the car and staring at the beautiful gated household.

"It took a lot, but I know it's what we both wanted. Still close to civilisation, and not too big" He smiled, intertwining my hand in his and kissing it as we stared at the beautiful house.

"It's all ours" He smiled down at me.

"All ours" I breathed, this whole thing is so surreal. I have the perfect fiancée, the perfect friends, The now perfect house. Everything seems to be going so well that I can't picture it any differently, especially without Roger.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now