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"How's the baby been? Any movement? Any pain at all? If there is you know you call mum first then me if I'm away-" Roger stressed, and I could feel his jaw tensing through the phone.

"I know Rog, don't worry babe" I giggled, twisting the wire around my finger.

"How've you been? Everything good at home?" He asked, calming down a bit now.

"Yeah I've been good, missing you like mad though obviously. How are the lads? How's the tour?" I asked.

"It's going great, the crowds are getting bigger and bigger at these stadiums-" he started but got interrupted.

"Is that my darling Rose!?" I heard the muffled cry of Freddie call from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah Fred But-" Roger continued, but I could hear the phone being snatched away.

"Oh get over it blondie, she was my friend before you came along" Freddie retorted, making me giggle through the phone.

"Hiya Fred" I shook my head, laughing.

"Oh hello darling, how are you?" He asked in his posh voice.

We ended up chatting for ages, and I could sense roger pacing around the room in annoyance from overseas.

"Can I have my wife back please?" Roger growled.

"Oh bugger off" Freddie teased him, and I could tell it was going to get ugly.

"Give me the bloody-"

Was all I heard before a series of swear words and a muffled crackling noise as they snatched the phone from each other's hands.

"Hello again" I could feel Rogers grin from here, which I reciprocated.

"Hello" I chuckled.

There never was a dull moment with these lot, even if I was hundreds of miles away. Somehow, they managed to make me smile when I felt at my loneliest, just like now.

"So back to your sexy husband..." Roger said jokingly, a raspy chuckle following.

"Shut up you, don't get too big headed" I said, biting my tongue in laugher.

"Oi, you're just jealous because you can't have a piece of me right now"

"Don't even start, Taylor" I giggled.

"We all miss you so much" He whined through the phone.

"Don't get me a upset again Rog, you know how I am recently with crying" I laughed nervously, trying not to cry.

"I just wanted to tell you so you know how much we love you and wish you were here" He added.

"Well tell them I miss them too, okay?" I ordered and he replied with a 'yes'.

"Anyway... hows the city of love? Playing up to your expectations?" I giggled to lighten the mood.

"Well it's beautiful yes, but I was expecting a shag in the city of love" he replied in a mimicked French accent.

"Well I bloody well hope you don't get a shag!" I shouted through the phone with a laugh.

"I would never" He replied in a fake offended voice.

"Good, it's good to know that my loving husband would not be tempted by a beautiful French girl" I scoffed in response.

"Oh well you never mentioned temptation-" he started.

"Roger Taylor!" I interrupted him.

"I was joking!" He replied and I laughed at his scared voice.

"I know you dickhead... well you better be anyway, I might be pregnant but I'm lethal with these hormones" I giggled.

"Trust me... I know" He cringed in response.

We carried on talking for what felt like hours, before eventually we had to cut things short.

"Right, I better go anyway, show starts in ten minutes. Sleep well beautiful, I love you" He sighed into the phone and I let off a sad smile.

"Yeah, night babe good luck. Love you too. I'll talk to you soon" I said sadly.

"See you soon, Au revoir" He replied, before I heard the dreaded cutting off sound then the long annoying beep.

I growled in annoyance and slammed the phone back onto the table, before throwing myself into bed. This is how every night was going. The call, me getting happy, me getting sad, me getting angry, me going to sleep. It was like a cycle that got worse everyday. It was most likely the pregnancy sending my hormones mad. All I had to think is that they are in Paris now, which means that they will be in Newcastle in about three weeks. Three weeks too long for my liking.


I swished on the last lick of light grey paint into the baby's room and wiped my forehead in defeat. Throwing the paintbrush down into the tray I stepped back to admire my work. I'd actually done a really good job, despite the circular grey splodge that I now had on my top, where I'd leant into the wall with my baby bump.

Luckily, I wouldn't be needing this top much longer so I could just chuck it away when I'm done.

Seeing the baby's room come together was making me really exited. I had the cot and the bedding all in, with the nappy changing station and the set of drawers filled with baby clothes. At the moment I was more excited to find out what the gender was, which is always the most exciting part I've heard.

I walked over to the dresser and began to fold up some of the baby clothes and place them into the different sections of the drawers, which I knew would get messed up as soon as Roger got involved with the washing. I didn't mind though, I like following behind him and tidying up his jeans that he's thrown on the floor, or wash the plates that he 'forgot' to clean up. All of these little insignificant details accumulate to form something that I call our beautiful relationship.

All I could do was count down the days until our perfect relationship forms a perfect family.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now