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Veronica was gone now too, so the only friend to keep me company was Mary, who couldn't be here all of the time as she too has a baby.

Today I decided that it would be nice to go and see Rogers parents, as they're basically my mum and dad too. So, I pulled on Rogers fur coat, slipped on my baker cap and went out of the door.

As I drove to their house I listened to the soothing music of David Bowie. After meeting him I couldn't quite listen to his music in the same way, because after all he is my idol and I've been in his bloody dressing groom for Christ's sake!

When I finally rolled up to their home, I hopped out quicker than ever. Going to Michael and Winifred's house was like going to your parents house for me, so I was beyond excited to see them after so long.

As soon as I reached the door, my knuckles almost fell off due to the persistent knocking that I pounded onto the wood.

When it finally opened, I was met with the beaming smile of Winifred, who immediately pulled me inside for a hug.

"Oh look how gorgeous you look, Rose, you're so big!" She grinned, stepping back to take a look.

"Thank you, I feel massive though" I laughed, holding the 9 month pregnant bump in my hands.

"Michael it's Rose!" She shouted up the stairs, and pulled me into the living room.

"How have you two been?" I asked politely, as she rushed around trying to make some tea.

"Oh good as usual yeah, what about you?" She asked me with a concerned expression, sitting next to me.

"Well I wish Rog was here- thank you" I started, taking the mug from her.

"But He isn't and I just have to deal with that. I'm just trying to keep this little one in as long as possible" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, but I'm telling you now, if that baby comes and Roger is in Sweden or somewhere far away, just ring me and I will be right there" She nodded, and I gave her a grateful smile.

"Rose! How are you, love?" Michael asked as he took his mug and sat down.

"Oh Michael we've already said all this, if you wouldn't have sat on your arse instead of coming down you'd know!" Winifred scolded, hitting his thigh.

"Sorry your majesty" He replied, giving Winifred a funny look behind her back, making me chuckle slightly.

"I know what you're doing Michael" She scowled, shaking her head jokingly over to me.

"Anyway, how long do you think it will be until the little one shows up?" Michael asked me, sitting down opposite me.

"Hopefully I have a few weeks, I need Roger to at least be in England when my stomach pops" I laughed.

"Well we'll be here whenever so-" He started but Winifred gave him a glare.

"I've already said all of this" She scolded, and shook her head with a laugh.

"I'm sorry love, I just want to make sure that she knows" He replied, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"It's fine, really. Thank you, both of you, you're so amazing" I smiled, my eyes getting glassy.

They reminded me so much of Roger and I. Always bickering, yet still managing to share little kisses and inside jokes whenever possible. I really hope we're like that as we grow older.

"Oh gosh, don't cry because then I'll cry and then he'll have to sort us both out" She laughed, wiping some tears from her eyes also.

"But seriously, you've witnessed first hand what my parents are like... it means so much to have you two so close to me" I nodded, rubbing over my stomach happily.

She didn't say anything, and instead engulfed me up into her arms happily.

"Always, Rose. You've been so good to Roger, not just using him for his fame which is what we feared would happen to him. We've never seen him as happy as when he's with you, we owe it to you to be the best parents in law that we can be, because you are the best daughter in law we could have asked for" She gushed, rubbing my back soothingly.

"You are the best parents in law ever" I replied, standing up to hug Michael too.

"We try, love" Michael said sarcastically, and swayed me from side to side.

"Oh god, I better go it's getting late" I stressed, pulling Rogers fur coat back on and slipping on my baker cap.

"Do you need a lift? I can bring your car back in the morning and walk home? It's not far" Michael offered politely.

"No really it's fine, like you said it's only round the corner.. I didn't realise how late it was" I laughed.

"Okay, but stay safe" He warned, and I nodded before hugging them both and heading home.

My drive home was seriously tedious, and that was completely mirrored by the boring night I had when I got home. To pass my time, I had been decorating the babies room with cute teddies and different accessories. The excitement of it all was starting to slowly creep up on me, I just wished that Rog and the guys were here to celebrate with me.

Suddenly I heard the familiar ringing on the phone echo around the house and I had never rushed to the phone so quickly.

I almost tripped over the wire as I pulled the phone to my ear excitedly.


"Roger, I've never been so happy to hear your voice" I whined.

"You've said that everyday, love. And everyday I tell you the same thing-"

"I'll be home soon, I know" I finished his sentence for him.

Wow I miss him so much.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now