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I was woken by a slight nudge on my shoulder, making me shoot up quickly.

As I took on my surroundings, I realised that I was still lying on Brian whilst we waited for the doctors to help Freddie. Lizzie was still gargling around in her sleep whilst Brian held her tiny hand in his.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and greeted both Brian and John.

"Morning" I muttered.

"Morning sunshine" John laughed.

"We can go see Freddie now" Bri smiled, helping me up from the sofa gently.

"He's okay?" I asked hopefully, with a tiny smile.

"For now, yeah" he nodded with a grin.

I picked up Lizzie as she slept and held her in my arms as we made our way up to Freddie's room. Jim was sat next to his bed, but got up to leave when we entered.

We exchanged small smiles before he left and it wasn't until I saw Freddie's sickly features that the realisation of how serious his illness was really hit me. His skin was pale and beads of sweat lined his brow, leaving a glistening shimmer to his face.

"Hiya Freddie" I smiled, trying to be positive in the negative situation.

"Hello everyone" He forced a pained smile, sitting up to talk to us.

He patted the bed next to him and shuffled over to leave room for me. Brian and John day on the sofa that stood next to his bed. I outstretched my arms to pass Lizzie to him so he could hold her again, yet he looked hesitant as she snuggled into his arms.

"A-are you sure I should be holding her?" He asked with warily.

I knew that he so dearly loved her, but didn't want to inflict any illness onto her so he was extremely worried.

"It's fine Freddie, your illness isn't communicable is it?" I stated, and he replied with a nod.

"How are you then? You feeling any better?" John asked.

"Oh yes, I just got a tad overheated that's all, just a bit of a fever" He rolled his eyes and bounced Lizzie in his arms with a smile.

"That's good to hear" Brian replied, but you could tell that he was unconvinced.

We all were. He wasn't just overheated, we all knew that. Freddie knew that. He just doesn't want the fuss or the fretting over him, I can tell.

"Where's Rog?" He asked, looking at each of us inquisitively.

"He's Ill"

"At his mums"

"Looking after Lizzie"

"Well they're all lies and John, Lizzie is right here you knob" Freddie laughed.

"I just don't think he's quite ready to see you like this, I'm sorry Freddie" I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh bugger off Rog, you better drag him here next time so I can give him a good old slap around that blond mullet of his" Freddie snorted, making the rest of us laugh uncontrollably.

"Don't worry I will, just so I can see that" I giggled.

"Good, you two have gone soft lately, but I'm trusting you to drag him here if you have to" He chuckled.

Lizzie began to stir and she started grabbing Freddie's face. He laughed at first but then she moved to the moustache, tugging at the hairs painfully.

"Ouch, Lizzie no" Freddie laughed, pulling her hands down gently from his face.

"She's not a dog, Fred" Brian laughed, shaking his head in amusement.

"I know that, she's an angel" He smiled, bouncing her as she giggled.

If I hadn't already cried enough, I would have been sobbing right now. But, I had to stay strong for Freddie, especially right now.

We spent hours chatting together, until the nurse came back and requested that we leave so he could do some more tests.

"See you later, Freddie" I hugged him tightly which he returned.

"See you, my love" He smiled, kissing my forehead then kissing Lizzie too.

When we got to the front porch to leave, Brian held John and I back.

"Guys, he's not looking good is he?" Brian said in a hushed tone, with tears glazing over his eyes.

I gave a saddened look and shook my head, gazing down at Lizzie whose eyes were wondering without a care in the world.

"I think it's just a matter of time now" John said, running a hand through his hair sadly, leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.

Bri went over to him and placed a hand on his back comfortingly. Seeing the two lads like that made my heart melt, and I held Lizzie to my chest and hugged her close to me in an attempt to cease my tears.

"I h-have to go" I said with a quivering lip, quickly turning around to leave Freddie's house as speedily as I could.

"Rose! Wait!" Bri shouted, but nothing was stopping me from jumping into my car as quickly as possible.

I strapped Lizzie in and hopped into the drivers seat. As soon as I sat down, I rested my head against the steering wheel and just cried. The tears wouldn't stop as I punched the edge of the wheel angrily. It just isn't fair.

A knock on my window shocked me into reality, and I turned to see a shaggy mop of curly black hair at my window.

"Come here" He nodded, opening the door with a smile.

I jumped into his arms and he just hugged me tightly, not letting go until I pulled away.

"It's just so shit, I don't know how we'll carry on without him" I sobbed, which made him pull me back into another hug.

"I know, neither do I. But we will. We will. It will be hard, but we will get through this" He said, rubbing the back of my head as I continued to cry into his shoulder.

"Where is J-John?" I asked.

"Probably the same position that I found you in" He chuckled, pulling away from the hug and resting a hand on my shoulder.

"You should go and sort him out too, doctor Brian" I forced a giggle, but it came out as more of a sniffle.

He squeezed my cheek lightly and gave me a small smile.

"We'll be fine; you're a strong girl, Rose" He nodded, before running off to help John.

I jumped back in my car and drove off home to go and most likely have another row with Roger.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now