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Two months went by. There was no signs of mishap or malfunctions. Everything was actually normal. We could actually tell people. I actually have a healthy baby inside me. I couldn't quite believe it, and neither could Roger.

My tiny bump still wasn't too noticeable, well the lads hadn't noticed at all anyway. Today was the day that we were going to tell them, but before that we had to tell Rogers parents. I've completely cut mine from my life as it's better for us all, we tried again before the wedding but that clearly didn't work out.

We were in the car, Rogers hand rubbing circles into my thigh lovingly as his other hand gripped the steering wheel.

"Roger?" I broke the calming silence.

"Yes, Love?" He asked, sending a smile my way through the mirror.

"It's going to work out this time, isn't it?" I grinned.

"I think so, beautiful, I think so" He reassured, patting my thigh gently.

"I really hope so" I nodded, as the car rolled up to Winifred and Michaels house.

"Are you ready?" He asked, taking my shaking hand in his.

"Yep, let's go" I smiled, opening the door and exiting the car.

He rushed round after locking it, and took my hand in his large one comfortingly.

"They're going to be so chuffed" He grinned, guiding us up to the pretty home that stood before us.

He knocked confidently, and within seconds they both appeared at the door, sending us both happy smiles.

"Hello! It's lovely to see you both" Winifred beamed, pulling me in for a bone crushing embrace.

They invited us in and we were all gathered in their living room, sipping on piping hot cups of tea.

"Shall we be cheeky, Rose? Do you fancy a glass of wine?" She winked, standing up.

"Actually mum, She definitely can't" Roger said, hoping she'd catch on.

Unfortunately, his smooth response wasn't picked up by his mother, who just slapped him across the head disapprovingly.

"Don't you let him control you Rose, if you want a glass of wine you have one" She nodded assertively, giving him another evil glare.

"No mum-" He laughed, but Michael cut him off.

He gave me a shocked glance and I think he knew exactly what was going on.

"She's pregnant! Is that why?" He asked excitedly.

Suddenly Winifred's eyes widened in excitement and she rushed over to me.

"Is this true? Am I going to be a nana?" She asked, a few tears already forming in her eyes before it was even confirmed.

I just nodded with the biggest grin ever, and she pulled me into an even tighter hug that before.

"Oh this is wonderful news you two, I'm very happy for you" Michael said, his demeanour completely contrasting his wife's as he gave Roger a calm hug.

"How fabulous" Winifred sobbed, which ended up setting me off too.

"I'm so happy, I was worried at first but now I'm more excited than anything" I said, and she wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Well that is completely understandable after what you've been through, but this baby will have the best mummy and daddy and nanna and grandad to look forward to" She smiled, pulling me in for another hug.

After we had exchanged more hugs and kisses, it was time to tell the three lads. So, with a find farewell and a few more tears, we departed and made our way to Freddie's, where we told them all to wait for us.

My nerves were now getting the better of me, as I knew that I had to tell them that I wouldn't be able to get on tour with them. Although this scared me, as Roger most likely wouldn't be there for the birth, it made me happy that they were back together at last.

Roger managed to calm my nerves by giving my hand a squeeze and my forehead a reassuring kiss. As we neared the door, I knocked this time, but it wasn't as loud or confident as Rogers was. Freddie opened the door with a smiling grin, motioning into the house to signal us to go inside.

The other two boys were messing around in the living room, where they were switching each other's cassettes around.

"Rose, Roger" John smiled when he saw us, getting up to give me a peck on the cheek and a hug. Brian did the same and we all sat down.

"So, what's this about then?" Brian asked.

"Well as you asked so politely Brian.." I joked, giving him a funny look.

"Sorry" He looked down jokingly, and gave me a cheeky grin.

"Anyway, Roger and I have something to tell you" I smiled, and I think they all cottoned in due to the excited grins they sent us.

"We're pregnant" Roger said, with a wide smile that almost reached both of his ears.

The three lads cheered and jumped on us happily, engulfing us both into warm hugs and excitable laughter.

"Is it a girl?"

"When's the baby due?"

"What will you call it?"

Roger and I were bombarded with questions, each man wanting to know different details about the baby thy I hadn't even thought about yet.

"I don't know the answers to any of those questions" I said with an exasperated sigh, holding my hands up honestly.

"Well that's not very good darling, we need answers. I think for a girl it should be Elizabeth for a girl, after the Queen, and Freddie for a boy, of course" Freddie nodded with a beaming grin.

"I'll keep that in mind, I do really like Elizabeth" I nodded over at Roger, who gave me a shrug in agreement.

"I'll have to get Anita to help you out with the baby stuff, and I'm sure Veronica would help out too, eh Deacy?" Brian asked.

"Oh I'm sure of it, she loves babies" He said, shaking his head.

"Well lads, now we've told you can I just mention the tour" I said warily, hoping there wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration.

"Go on?" Freddie urged.

"I won't be coming"

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now