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It was filming day for the 'These are the days of our lives' video. I had to say that I was extremely excited to see them all back in a filming studio after what felt like years. Luckily, Winifred had offered to look after Lizzie for a few hours whilst I stayed with the lads.

As soon as they started filming, tears began to brim on the edges of my eyes.

This is their last video.

The first time I met these lads they weren't even a band for God's sake. Freddie was just a handsome guy that I met at the bar, and Rog and Bri were playing small gigs with Tim for the little money they were earning. Rog was going to be a bloody dentist, and I'm pretty sure that Freddie was studying fashion, not surprising really. Then came John, the shy and sweet guy from my class that just so happened to ask for a pencil that just the right time. Imagine what the world would be like if he didn't ask for that bloody pencil?

Thanks to these lads, they've given me a life worth living. I'm not some shitty sewer or a biology student working stupid shifts.

Although Roger has done so so much for me, I don't think we could have coped without each other. It's like we were made to be together, which sounds cringeworthy but it's true.

That brings us to now, where they are making their last ever music video. I've been on tour after tour with these lads, making videos and doing their eyeliner whilst they winced like babies. Yet I've never seen them seem so bittersweet.

Yes it's a new video, which means a new album and more press and attention. But did they want the attention? After all, Freddie was ill. He's really ill. And as much as we all shy away from facing the reality, soon the day will come where we can't ignore it. Do they want attention right now? Or is it more a farewell for Freddie.

Just thinking about it made more tears prick to my eyes, and when they stopped for a short break Fred came right over to me.

"I saw you crying, please stop darling" He begged.

He looked sickly and pale, and his lips almost seemed purple. I'd spent hours doing his makeup to his liking, which pained me as he still didn't feel fully comfortable on screen. For gods sake he'd lost so much weight that his waistcoat didn't even fit him properly. It killed me to see, but I had to stay as strong as I could.

"I was just- Oh I cant lie to you" I started, and looked up at him.

"It's okay, come here" He nodded, pulling my frame into a tight hug.

Everything disappeared for a moment as we shared the embrace, it was just my best friend and I for the milliseconds that felt like nothing.

"I'm scared too, but we need to be happy. This is a happy day" he convinced himself and me with his positive attitude.

"It is, come on let's have a look at the last tape, I need to stop being such a wuss" I laughed, shaking away my tears.

"Yes you really do, dear" He chuckled, linking my arm as we walked over to the camera that had lots of people gathered around it.

As soon as Freddie watched himself on the tiny screen he instantly began to perfect the minor details.

"I'm definitely moving my arms too much, there's too many movements" He groaned, flinging his arms around.

"Yeah maybe, but we can try again that was just a practice run really" one of the directors assured, and Freddie nodded in relief.

"And this needs taking in, its a bit too big" He chuckled, looking at the cat covered waistcoat that adorned his muscular body.

"Come here Fred, I'll stitch it quickly" I smiled, holding my hand out to take the jacket.

"Oh would you?" He grinned, and I nodded with a laugh and took the coat off him.

"Thank you dear, we can have a quick practice now" He smiled, rushing over to the centre stage and proceeded with the shoot.

I went over to Rogers area where I'd left my bag, which had a mini sewing kit inside.

I'd learnt the hard way after coming to all of their shoots that one of them always ripped something or needed some kind of adjustment to their outfits. So now, I have an emergency kit waiting on standby.

I didn't have much time, so I quickly added fold along the back which couldn't be seen on the camera and in person just seemed like an extra dart or pleat. I rushed back over to Freddie and pulled it over his back, before brushing it down and giving him a thumbs up.

"Thank you" He said with a grateful smile.

"Anytime" I winked, running to give Roger a quick peck before they started. I mean, I was there I might as well steal the chance.

"Good job, you're getting quicker" He laughed, giving me a quick kiss.

"Well with the amount of damage you lot do to your clothes I need the skill" I rolled my eyes and planted another kiss on his lips.

"Well you might need to do some sewing tomorrow" He smirked, and I could sense the dirty joke coming my way already.

"Why? Because you're going to rip my clothes off me tonight?" I asked with a smirk, beating him to the punchline with my arms folded.

"No... I have a rip in my shirt" He said, raising an arm to reveal a tiny rip on his armpit.

"But that sounds good too, a bit kinky for the workplace though" He grinned smugly, which I replied to with my tongue stuck out at him.

"Aw shut up, I thought I'd caught you out" I laughed and my cheeks flushed crimson.

"We can still do it though" He winked.

"Do it? Gosh are you twelve, Rog?" I laughed.

"Twelve inches" He coughed.

"Roger Meddows Taylor!" I almost choked on my shocked laugh as I gave him a slap on the shoulder.

"You wish" I smirked, walking away slowly and he stuck his middle finger up at me.

Ah how romantic.

Sorry sorry sorry! I've had so much revision and shitty school work for bloody GCSEs and it's getting on my bloody wick. British rant over, sorry for the Americans that don't get anything I just said, but to make it simpler, EXAMS SUCK.

Keep Yourself Alive - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now